Chapter 667
"Well, I went to the town these few days, and when I first entered the village, I met girl Sunflower. Seeing her terrified look, I asked a few more questions, only to find out that many things happened in her house, and my uncle was also very angry... After thinking about it, let’s come and take a look first.”

Li Chang Xu was also very annoyed. If the husband and wife had conflicts alone, he wouldn't bother to deal with them, but when it came to elders beating others, it was spread, and people thought that the Xu family's conduct was flawed.

"The Xu family is too deceitful. If it weren't for my cousin, I would have beaten Xu Maokang to death when he came to the door for the first time."

Bai Ningxue was beaten, was it her fault alone?
That's the face of the Bai family, her Bai Ningxiang's face is so easy to hit?

Hearing Bai Ningxiang's tone, Xu Lichang twitched his lips, look, if people really want to care about it, Xu Maokang, that coward, doesn't want to play any tricks except to plead guilty.

The whole family was a mess, if they weren't from the Xu clan, he would have bound and beaten them and thrown them out of the village, which would ruin the reputation of Qinghe Village.

Listening to Xu Lichang's tone, there was no intention of partiality, and Bai Ningxiang was not too tough.

"Uncle Xu, don't think my words are harsh. As a mother-in-law, Mrs. Xu has embarrassed her cousin because she vented her personal anger. This kind of thing is not once or twice. What's more, the cousin is still pregnant. In case something good or bad happens, I will definitely not let Xu Maokang go."

Bai Ningxiang said with a slight smile in her eyes, "Uncle Xu, I have always regarded you as an elder, so I will not hide from you. If the Xu family does not give a satisfactory explanation, the Bai family will definitely fight back. of."

Listening to Bai Ningxiang's attitude, Chief Xu also understood that he also has a daughter, and if someone dares to tease her girl, he would dare to kill her all the way with a big knife.

"Don't worry, girl, I understand what you mean, and I will definitely let the troubled family come over and apologize later."

"Of course, if my niece and daughter-in-law have any demands, feel free to ask them. As long as it's not too much, I can make the decision. After all, besides being the head of the village, uncle is also the head of the Xu clan. I won't just let them act like monsters. , the reputation of the tribe cannot be corrupted."

"That's really great. I'll take my cousin to thank Uncle Xu first."

As Bai Ningxiang said, she directly instructed Yun Ni, "Go, invite my aunt and tell me that the head of the Xu clan has arrived."

"Yes, the servant girl is going to call someone now."

After a cup of tea, accompanied by Yun Ni, Bai Ningxue walked slowly,
"I have seen the patriarch."

"Nephew and daughter-in-law are welcome," Xu Lichang waved his hand, "Xiang girl has already told me about you, you have been wronged."

Listening to Xu Lichang's polite tone, Bai Ningxue's eyes turned red, "It's my blessing, no wonder others."

Bai Ningxiang raised her eyebrows, this girl is not stupid, she is not polite at all.

It's not that he didn't blame the Xu family when he first came up, he just said that he was unlucky to meet people like the Xu family.

Invisibly, the Xu family's face was slapped.

"I think my nephew and daughter-in-law are blessed people. Not only is Xiang girl protecting her, she is also pregnant with a child. This is a blessing that most people can't even ask for."

Sure enough, they are sisters. Sister Xiang has a strong temper at first glance, but this one has a needle hidden in the cotton, and it is also difficult to deal with.

"Ahem... As the patriarch of the Xu clan, I will give you a promise. As long as the nephew and daughter-in-law are willing to go back, you can ask for the conditions, and I will never refuse if I can make the decision."

(End of this chapter)

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