Chapter 668
"The patriarch is serious. As a junior, how dare I be presumptuous, but being tortured for no reason is also very wronged. As for making conditions, the junior knows that I don't have the ability."

Bai Ningxue is not stupid, the Xu family has all seniors, and she has not made any mistakes, so the Xu family should show their own attitude to make any request.

"Uncle Xu, my cousin has a thin skin, no matter how wronged she feels, she dare not make any demands, but no matter what, the Xu family has no attitude, it is absolutely impossible."

There are some things that Bai Ningxue can't say, but it doesn't mean she can't, anyway, the matter has already been taken care of, so she can simply ask for some interest.

Xu Lichang narrowed his eyes, she really is a smart girl, Xu is really blind, such a powerful daughter-in-law is suitable for the eldest daughter-in-law, it would be stupid to let her go for nothing.

"Nephew and daughter-in-law, don't worry, I'll call Xu Maokang's family over right now, and ask them to apologize to you face to face, and write a letter of guarantee. If you do something stupid again, uncle can make the decision for you without you asking."

After sending Xu Lichang back home, Bai Ningxiang looked at the cousin with satisfaction.

"Mr. Xu's reputation is still good. With him, you can go back soon. But after this incident broke out, you completely offended Mrs. Xu, and simply took the power of the house in your own hands, and raised your children in the future." It's also more convenient."

"You don't have to worry about other things. You live your life for yourself. Whether it's long or short, there's no need to wrong yourself."

"Of course, you don't need to mention this matter. I'll let them speak for themselves. The eldest brother asked me to take care of you. I can't let you be wronged."

Bai Ningxue looked at the big lady in a daze, and once again felt that she had been squinted by jealousy before,

"Thank you for your protection, my cousin. After this incident, I understand it, and I will naturally not be stupid again in the future. Auntie is right, you are a person who does great things, and you are different from me."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Little aunt praised her~
On the official road at night, a carriage was driving quietly, except for the snorting of the horse, there was almost no unnecessary noise.

"Master, there seems to be something on the road ahead." Da Zuo reined in the rein, slowly stopped the carriage, greeted the people in the carriage, and jumped off.

Holding the weapon in his hand, he walked carefully in front of the black shadow, and was met with a deadly smell of vomiting.

"Hey~, it turns out he's a drunkard."

The big claw raised his foot and kicked, the man groaned and wailed in a low voice, "Xue'er, please forgive me, I know I was wrong, and I will definitely change it in the future."

Big Catch: "..."

Cher?It sounded like a woman's name, so it turned out to be an infatuated kind.

For such a person, the big arrest doesn't want to pay attention to it, and he carried the person to the side of the road with disgust, "Do good deeds without leaving a name, so as to save you from being trampled into meat by horseshoes."

The man was moved suddenly, and he didn't know if he had regained consciousness, so he roared violently,
"Bai Ningxiang, you returned my daughter-in-law to me, why did you hide her?"

Big Catch: "..."

Why are you still talking about Miss Bai?
"Master, a drunk on the road seems to have something to do with Miss Bai, don't worry?"

Han Jing lifted the curtain of the car and looked at the yard close at hand, feeling very anxious in his heart. One step away, he could see the girl whom he dreamed of.

"Take it and leave it to the sea."


Seeing the big claw that appeared suddenly, Hai Hai blinked, and his eyes lit up immediately, "The general is back?"

(End of this chapter)

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