Chapter 669
Han Jing was dressed in a red and black black robe with a cloak of the same color, got out of the carriage with cold eyes, traveled all night, and finally came back.

"How are you at home?"

"Back to the general, everything is fine."

Dahai nodded. The girl is quite active these days. She is checking people and building a winery. Now she has to help the family with trivial matters, so she is not idle.

"Dahai, I picked up a drunk on the official road ahead, muttering about looking for a wife, almost crushed to death, see if it's from your village, do you know him? Send it back."

Then, with a big scratch and bang, he threw the man in front of the sea.

Dahai walked over holding his nose, opened it and took a closer look, "Isn't this Xu son-in-law? How did the filial son become so virtuous?"

"Do you really know each other?" Da Zhuo looked at him, then at the drunk on the ground, and took a step back in disgust.

"This girl is the husband of the second girl, and he is also a bad guy. The family bullied a woman and was pregnant. Our girl found out, so I want to show the Xu family some face. Who knows that this kid doesn't want to think about how to solve the matter. , but learned to get drunk, it's really cowardly."

As Dahai said, he kicked him in disgust, and threw him to the door, even if he dared to hit their girls in the face, this punishment was light.

At this time, Bai Ningxiang had finished washing and was leaning on the bedside, flipping through a book.

"Girl, the young master is back and has entered the front yard."

"Why did you come back in such a hurry at night? Did something happen?" The moment she heard her brother-in-law's return, Bai Ningxiang sat up abruptly with a look of surprise on her face.

"Young lady, don't worry, you come back at night, you must have some plans." Yun Ni brought a blue skirt and helped the girl put it on together.

"I was in a hurry, thinking a little too much." Bai Ningxiang looked at Yun Ni tied a bow on her chest, and pursed her lips into a smile.

"Concern makes chaos. A girl cares about the young master in her heart, so she naturally thinks more than others." Yun Ni adjusted the bow tie and pursed her lips, "There is a saying that says that it is like three autumns apart. It's not a day of sunshine."

"Poor mouth, be careful I'll tear it up for you." Bai Ningxiang blushed, reached out and tapped her forehead, "When you meet your sweetheart, I will definitely return this to you."

"Hee hee~, the servant girl is looking forward to this day, but unfortunately the little boy said that I am too attractive, most people dare not marry, for fear that they will not be able to keep it. If you have power and power, you will not be a regular wife. Therefore, the servant girl is destined to be a big problem."

Yun Ni touched her face, the appearance given by her parents, in the blink of an eye, she was full of charms, and she couldn't help it.

Therefore, when she heard the little man's teasing, she was not angry at all.

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

This man has a big heart and is not shy at all.

"That damned girl of the little boy dares to say anything, I will teach her a lesson later, and I can't always keep the door open like this."

"Girl, don't worry about such a trivial matter. It's all a joke from my family. Besides, she's right. If it wasn't for this face, I wouldn't have met the young master, and I wouldn't have become a secret guard."

The identities of her and Ding Yang's dark guard are just one of them. Ding Yang is talented in martial arts and is a sharp knife.

Because of this face, she has been specially trained. If necessary, she may become the concubine of someone in power, the best weapon to charm the emperor.

Fortunately, since then, they met a girl, and although they became slaves, they also changed the gear of fate.

(End of this chapter)

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