Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 681 Set foot on the boudoir

Chapter 681 Set foot on the boudoir
The distance from the county seat to Bashan Village was not too short, but the ears of rice didn't stay long. After drinking a cup of tea and snacks, they got into the carriage and went back.

Bai Ningxiang asked her to bring two boxes of peach blossom cakes to Li Xingchun. The girl was very lively and likable.

Bai Ningxiang was lying on the beauty's couch, raised her hand and pinched the center of her eyebrows, although there was nothing serious around her, she was not idle every day.

"Girl, maidservant is going to get you the clothes and jewelry for the banquet."

Seeing the girl's expression, Yun Ni gave a chuckle, turned around and walked into the room, opened the closets one by one, and searched for clothes suitable for the banquet.

As soon as the door curtain was raised, Brother Xing's little head was the first to poke out his head. Seeing his sister, he ran in with short legs, followed by Han Jing.

When Bai Ningxiang saw Yixiong by the door, she immediately sat up straight, "Yixiong, why are you here?"

It was the first time that Yibro set foot in her boudoir, so she felt embarrassed.

"The little guy couldn't stay, and ran all the way, so I followed."

Standing at the door, Han Jing glanced at the furnishings in the room. They are simple and clear, and there is an elegant scent of books everywhere, especially the orchids placed on the antique shelf, and the green plants on both sides of the beauty's couch, making the whole room beautiful. Elegant and delicate.

Although he didn't know what a normal boudoir looked like, he had been in his mother's room before. It's just that the Han family belonged to a family of generals. Although his mother was elegant, the decoration was relatively simple in order to take care of his father.

"The room furnished by the girl is good, and the orchids are also good." Shen Shi likes orchids, and he sent someone to deliver a gift on the second day after he came here, but unfortunately she didn't see anyone.

Hearing her righteous brother's praise, Bai Ningxiang was happy, "I don't like too complicated decorations, as long as it's simple and comfortable to look at."

"So good,"

The two sat facing each other, only Brother Xing lay on the edge of the beauty's couch and looked up at the two of them, blinking his eyes,
"Sister, hug."

Yun Ni came out with a lake-blue gauze dress in her arms, and saw the young master sitting in the room at a glance, she quickly put the dress aside, came over and hugged Brother Xing.

"Brother Xing must have been tired after running for a day. The servant girl will send him to the nanny so that he can sleep."

In the blink of an eye, there were only two people left in the room, and Bai Ningxiang was suddenly a little embarrassed, "It seems that we can't go to Lingjiao Peak."

"It's okay, there will be opportunities in the future."

Han Jing leaned on the soft cushion, a girl would enjoy it, a beauty couch, turned into a lazy bed.

"By the way, what are you going to tell me before the Xu family comes?"

He didn't forget that the shock of the girl's passing away in a flash, although he later endured it, but based on his understanding of the girl, I'm afraid it was not an ordinary thing.

Bai Ningxiang looked at the obviously questioning eyes of her brother-in-law, crossed her legs and straightened her expression.

"Brother Yi has been stationed at the border for several years. Although he was transferred back to Qingdu, I think you will have to come back sooner or later."

As Bai Ningxiang said, seeing Yixiong's attitude of not denying it, she was happy, "Yixiong, do you know where the east end of the Daba Mountain is?"

"It faces the sea to the east."

"What about the other side?"

"On the opposite side is Yulin Mountain in Nanyi, and there is a canyon adjacent to the two. Because of the strange rocks, it is extremely dangerous, and few people usually set foot there."

In the year he was first dispatched to the border, he led people to personally inspect the border inspection line. When he saw the canyon, he deliberately stayed for two days. Even if the tide ebbed and flowed, it did not affect where degree of danger.

(End of this chapter)

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