Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 682 Let Grandpa take the blame

Chapter 682 Let Grandpa take the blame

At the beginning, he was also worried, fearing that Xiaoxiao would take the opportunity to sneak into Daqing. Later, he tried it himself. There were slippery cliffs on both sides, overgrown with moss, and the sea was slimy. There was no place for the roots to stay, and he was not familiar with the terrain. People definitely dare not set foot on it easily.

Thinking of this, Han Jing was puzzled. He knew that place because he personally visited it. The girl was active in Xiaoba Mountain Village, and the farthest distance was Ba County. How could she know that the end of Daba Mountain faces the sea, and the opposite is Yulin Mountain in Nanyi? ?

"Girl, how do you know about Yulin Mountain?"

It is said that there is a jade pit in Yulin Mountain. If the girl can mention that canyon, maybe she has some plans?

Thinking of this, Han Jing immediately sounded the alarm in his heart. Although there are treasures buried in Yulin Mountain, the terrain there is disgusting, and it is not worth risking his life for money.

It seems that he still has some rough stones in his private treasury, and he doubled them and sent them to the girl.

Received the righteous brother's cautious gaze, Bai Ningxiang paused, aggrieved, and began to search for a reasonable explanation in her heart.

She didn't want to lie to her brother-in-law, but to be honest, she was afraid that brother-in-law wouldn't be able to accept it.

"Why did brother Yi ask this question? My Bai family has lived at the foot of Daba Mountain for generations. I was born here and grew up here. I naturally know the legend of Daba Mountain. When my grandfather was alive, he said that the Daba Mountain range stretches for thousands of miles. It borders mountains and rivers in the west and the sea in the east.”

Han Jing: "..."

It turned out to be the case.

No, what does this have to do with Yulin Mountain?
"Moreover, Grandpa also said that Daba Mountain is a natural barrier against the invasion of the Nanman, and it is also the first line of defense for our Daqing Kingdom. It's just that we live in the west, so we seldom have contact with the Nanman people, but Grandpa often talks about it, and if he talks a lot, I will naturally remember it."

Hearing what the little girl said logically, coupled with her sincere eyes, Han Jing felt a little guilty, reached out and rubbed her head, and smiled gently.

"Your grandfather is well-informed, and it's rare to be able to tell these things to your children and grandchildren."

Bai Ningxiang tilted her head, taking the opportunity to hide her guilty conscience.

The interval between reliving the whole life is too long, and her grandfather has long been forgotten in her heart.

But when she was young, she heard her father mention a few words. When grandpa was young, he liked hunting. He often went to and from Daba Mountain. He stayed for more than half a month. The longest time was three months, which made the family anxious. , Grandpa invited the whole village to go into the mountain to look for it.

When grandpa came back, he was beaten up by grandpa and punished to kneel in the ancestral hall, which was miserable.

Thinking of her grandfather's mischievousness when she was young, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help but burst out laughing. Seeing Han Jing's probing eyes, she told him the news her father had revealed to her.

Han Jing: "..."

The girl is naughty, the old man has been dead for many years, and he still dares to tease her, be careful if the old man picks out and pulls your ears.

"Ahem... My grandfather often travels in Daba Mountain, so he knows this. He once said that Daba Mountain and Yulin Mountain are separated by a canyon, and the opposite is Yulin Mountain in Nanyi Kingdom."

"I heard that there are many treasures in Yulin Mountain, but there are many swamps filled with miasma. If you are not careful, you will be poisoned and unconscious."

Now that her grandfather has been blamed, Bai Ningxiang simply told her brother-in-law everything she knew.

The next time you go to investigate, you can also take precautions as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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