Chapter 690

Han Jing looked at the little girl, and suddenly raised the corners of her lips, "You are protected by me, and I will be responsible for how you develop."

I really don't know what's on the little girl's head, he's by her side, she will help her naturally, if he's not there, there are house slaves, as the matriarch of the house, she only needs to use her mouth to give orders.

What's the difference?
Bai Ningxiang looked at him with crooked eyes, it was indeed the man she liked.

After a pampering meal, Bai Ningxiang ate to her heart's content. As for Yun Ni and the others behind the screen, they each ordered a cup of tea to relieve their tiredness. They ate too much dog food, and they were afraid of indigestion at night.

On the street, there are still people coming and going, and the shops on both sides have a constant flow of people. Compared with the quiet mountain village, these are a bit hot and dry for Bai Ningxiang, with few mountains, few trees and little water.

"I'm used to living in the countryside. The mountains and forests are cool and comfortable. Although the county town is lively, there is always a sense of dryness and heat."

"It's natural. The county is crowded with people and trees are scarce, so it's not as good as the natural scenery in the countryside." Han Jing smiled. The girl was a sensible person, and she was not squinted by the prosperity.

As soon as I got back to the inn, I saw a figure rushing over, "You're finally back, I've been waiting for you for a long time, and I didn't even have a meal."

Han Jing pulled Bai Ningxiang back slightly, keeping a proper distance from the person in front.

"How can you be so reckless? You are also a doctor who saves the world and the people. Can you be more careful?"

Wei Zixian looked astonished, "I heard that your old man is back. I came all the way to see you. Is this how you treat me? It's so sad."

As he spoke, he covered his chest with one hand, feeling extremely sad. When he saw Bai Ningxiang standing beside him, he immediately laughed again, bowed slightly,

"Miss Bai, let's meet again."

"Doctor Wei, long time no see." Bai Ningxiang nodded and returned the courtesy politely.

After the two greeted each other, Wei Zixian immediately turned to Han Jing, and his expression returned to the distraught look just now. When he was done, he raised his hand and beat his chest.
"You are heartless, you left me in Rongcheng, and ran back by yourself. I managed to save my life to see you. You are so ruthless. You are a typical example of crossing rivers and tearing down bridges. You are ungrateful."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Do all doctors today have this virtue?

It looks like an abandoned woman in a boudoir, and people who don't know think that there is something wrong with the orientation of the righteous brother.

"Shut up, talk if you have something to say, don't get out, go to Li Yueyang if you want to talk, I don't have time to listen to your nonsense."

Han Jing squeezed the space between her eyebrows, and walked past him directly into the main room. If it wasn't for his good medical skills, she really wanted to throw him into the Northwest training camp, out of sight and out of mind.

I have never seen such a person who can be a demon, he is still a man, making trouble.

Looking at Wei Zixian's indifferent expression, he knew that the two of them were used to getting along like this.

Especially Wei Zixian, who didn't care if he was teased by others, he still followed Han Jing and babbled endlessly.

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

It turned out to be a chatterbox, no wonder.

Suddenly, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help laughing, she seemed to finally understand why her brother-in-law didn't like the boy anymore.

Knowing that the two of them had something to say, Bai Ningxiang took Yun Ni Ding Yang back to her east wing.

"This Wei Zixian has a very good relationship with his brother-in-law."

"Young lady is right. Mr. Wei also comes from a rich family, and his father is the Imperial College Jijiu, but he is the concubine of the Wei family and is not taken seriously. However, he himself has the chance to learn superb medical skills."

(End of this chapter)

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