Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 691 The man who can be a demon

Chapter 691 The man who can be a demon
Speaking of Dr. Wei, Yun Ni knows better,
"During a wild hunt, he was discovered by the young master and brought him to the border. I wanted to give him the name of a military doctor, but Mr. Wei didn't want to, and he regarded himself as a doctor. In fact, he was accompanying the young master himself. doctor."

Thinking of that person's unrestrained attitude towards life, Yun Ni felt helpless,
"Birth restricts him too much. Without the family's consent, a bastard can't become an official. He may have been ignored by the family for a long time. Even if he has medical skills, he doesn't want to be used by the family. He would rather be a wandering doctor."

Listening to Yun Ni's explanation, Bai Ningxiang could also understand that everyone has a temper, especially those who are capable have more backbone.

He can do this, I am afraid that he has experienced a lot of things.

"The Wei family is willing?"

"So what if you are not reconciled, I heard that Wei Jijiu once threatened him that if he is not used by the family, he will get rid of the family... Mr. Wei is not afraid at all, let alone expelling the family, even if he is expelled from the house, he can accept it. I heard that Wei Jijiu I was so angry that I almost vomited blood."

"Knowing that my son has abilities but not being able to use them, I was reluctant to get rid of the family. Later, I saw that he was really difficult to discipline, so I let him go."

Speaking of this, Yun Ni couldn't help but chuckled, "Young Master Wei has been asking the servants to call him Mr. Zixian, or Doctor Zixian. I'm afraid he doesn't even want to be named Wei."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Even the surname is disgusting, awesome.

"Okay, go and tell Xiao Er to bring hot water, I want to take a shower."

It's enough to know other people's affairs, if you inquire too much, you're a mother-in-law, and she doesn't like it.

At this moment in the main hall, Han Jing and Wei Zixian were sitting opposite each other, the air was filled with the faint scent of tea, and the atmosphere was relatively dignified.

"Tell me, what evidence do you have?" Han Jing sipped his tea and glanced at Wei Zixian.

"Cough~, you also know that Rongcheng is very strictly controlled by Liu Gongren, and it took me a lot of effort to find out some news."

As Wei Zixian spoke, he picked up the tea and took a big sip, with an exaggerated expression.

"Speak the key."

"Ahem... You're just so boring, old-fashioned... Well done, I'm screwed if I get to know you, and I'll never get rid of the life of being a cow and a horse."

As soon as Wei Zixian complained, Han Jing's cool eyes locked on him. He couldn't help curling his lips, omitted the extra nonsense, and went directly to the topic.

"To be honest, Liu Gongren, as the city lord of Rongcheng, is still capable. He himself gives people the impression that he is upright, selfless, diligent and frugal... But the people around him are not good, and they really discredit him as the city lord."

"According to my investigation, Liu Gongren has a wife and a good concubine. Mrs. Liu manages the family well, and her good concubine, Mrs. Sun, is beautiful and gentle. If you want to say that she has a happy life. But his good concubine's brother-in-law, Sun Huawen, is a bastard, relying on the relationship of in-laws." He ran amok in Rongcheng and made countless fortunes."

"Many people know his identity and can only admit that they are unlucky and suffer from being dumb. When some well-connected sufferers sue in front of the city lord, Liu Gongren will call his brother-in-law over and reprimand him in front of everyone without politeness. Law."

Wei Zixian talked too much and was thirsty, so he drank another cup of tea.

"Looking at the attitude of the city lord, the bitter master can't help but give face, as long as the brother-in-law corrects it. After the beating and scolding, that guy is peaceful for a few days, but it won't be long before he will commit another crime. As time goes by, everyone thinks about it. Son is here."

(End of this chapter)

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