Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 693 Be My Family

Chapter 693 Be My Family
"Whether it's collusion between officials and businessmen or collusion between officials and officials, I'm afraid it's not easy for you to act alone. Do you want to report to the monarch? In case something happens, we are not fighting alone."

Those people in Qingdu are not easy to mess with, especially when interests are involved.

"I'll give the monarch a secret note, and I'll send a message to my grandfather so that he can keep an eye on it for us."

"It's good to pay attention to this. Master Feng will help us keep an eye on it. Those Xiaoxiu people want to escape his old man's eyes."

Hearing Han Jing's arrangement, Wei Zixian's eyes lit up, and he touched his stomach after finishing his business.
"I rushed here in a hurry, and I haven't had a serious meal for several days."

Han Jing glanced at him, and it was rare that he didn't refute, "Big catch, take him to Yipinxuan, and send him away immediately after eating."

Wei Zixian listened to Han Jing's order, before he had time to be happy, he howled,
"Send... send away? Where?"

"Of course I'm staring at Liu Gongren and his brother-in-law."

"You know, why are you still staring at me?"

"Of course it is to record their criminal facts. If you can touch the warehouse where they store jade, it will be fine."

"I knew it was not good to prepare." Wei Zixian snorted, he was good at lightness kungfu, and he was not good at anything else, if he was found out, he would be beaten to death.

Han Jing raised her eyebrows, looked at his bitter face, and rarely offered a word of comfort,
"After dealing with the matter of colluding with foreign enemies, I will ask for credit for you and try to make you independent from the Wei family, how about it?"

"No, don't, I think it's good as it is. You have to be named Wei if you become independent, right? Anyway, you can't change your surname, so let's just leave it like this. When you are officially stationed at the border, I will be a government doctor in the government. If your old man doesn't If you need me, I will carry a medicine box and become a traveling doctor."

"In this life, I vow not to return to Wei's house."

When her mother was dying, she said that the most regrettable thing in her life was entering Wei's house, and he thought the same.

Han Jing looked at him quietly for a moment, "What if I could seal your biological mother? Don't you?"

Although all sons and daughters have made great achievements and benefited from their aunts, it is not impossible to do everything as long as you put your heart into it.

"Heh~, no matter what, my mother won't be able to come back. What's the point of being so tired and gone?"

Maybe it will be another bloody storm by then.

Seeing his fleeting sadness, Han Jing was silent for a while, then suddenly chuckled,
"Then let's stay and be my family. When my eldest son is born, let him recognize you as a godfather, how about it?"

" careful, it's also good to be a godfather."

Wei Zixian was taken aback for a moment, and when he thought of General Han's son calling him godfather, he immediately became happy.

"Tsk tsk, I can't see it. I haven't written the horoscope yet. I have fantasized about the child. If you are really good to the girl, take advantage of this meritorious service and ask the monarch to marry you."

"You don't need to worry about this, just wait until you become a godfather." Han Jing gave him a glare, and he couldn't talk too much with this guy, it hurt his lungs.

Wei Zixian left shaking his head, and as soon as he walked into the yard, he saw Ding Yang coming out with a box of peach blossom cakes.

"Doctor Zixian, this is a peach cake. My girl will send you to eat it on the way."

Wei Zixian took the box and opened it immediately, "Oh, this is the real peach blossom cake, one by one, thank you girl for me."

Saying that, pinched one and threw it into his mouth, and left contentedly.

(End of this chapter)

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