Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 694 Joining the Suspect

Chapter 694 Joining the Suspect

Early the next morning, Bai Ningxiang and Han Jing had just had breakfast when Feng Yi came in to report that Li Yueyang asked to see him.

"Brother Yi, you have guests, I'll go back to my room first."

"Okay, I'll take you out after talking about business."

Bai Ningxiang nodded, and met Li Yueyang when she walked to the door. The two nodded, but they didn't communicate much.

When Li Yueyang saw the general sitting there, he cupped his fists and saluted, "I've seen the general."

"Just call me son outside." Han Jing gestured for him to sit down, and poured him a cup of tea by the way.

"Any news?"

Li Yueyang hesitated for a moment, "I found it...the group was hiding in an abandoned house in the west of the city. During the period, two strangers broke in, and then we followed. The yard where the two lived was rented. Currently Let people stare in private, without doing anything."

Speaking of this, Li Yueyang hesitated for a while,

"Apart from those two strangers, that group also sneaked into Zhouxian Cheng's mansion at night. They stayed in the study for a cup of tea and then dispersed. They never contacted again after that."

Listening to Li Yueyang's report, Han Jing raised his eyebrows. Could it be that Zhou Xiancheng is their coordinator?
"How much do you and your father know about Zhou Xiancheng?"

"Zhou Xiancheng is gentle and smooth. He usually helps his father with a lot of trivial matters. My father once said that Zhou Xiancheng is a nice person, but the backyard is too messy."

Li Yueyang said with a bright expression on his face, "After this incident happened, I asked my mother specifically, and only then did I know that Zhou County Prime Minister is a womanizer, and there are several concubines in the backyard, and the angry Mrs. Zhou hurt her vitality."

He is a big man, it is already bad to inquire about the affairs of the inner house, if he talks about Madam Zhou's anger and miscarriage, it will always feel that it is against the way of a gentleman.

"Oh, by the way, the eldest daughter of the Zhou family is already engaged to the son of Ma County magistrate of Gong County. I don't know if there is any connection."

Although there were still some messy things during the period, those had nothing to do with the case, and were purely jealousy and competition between the girls' families.

Han Jing listened quietly, seeing that he was hesitant to speak, raised his eyebrows, "What's the matter, is there anything else you can't say?"

"No, that's all. Please show me, my lord." Li Yueyang blushed, laughing to himself as he hesitated.

"Isn't your family holding a flower banquet tomorrow? Mrs. Zhou's family should also participate. You send someone to watch the Zhou residence, maybe they will take this opportunity to meet."

Li Yueyang was taken aback, looked at the general's cold expression, and immediately nodded, "Yes, I am determined to live up to my trust."

He did know this, his mother posted a message to Mrs. Zhou, and the other party replied.

Just as the two of them were making arrangements for the next step, a soft apology sounded from the yard,

"Sister Xiang, I couldn't sit still when I heard the news of your coming yesterday. I took the liberty to visit. I hope Sister Xiang will not be angry."

"Sister Lu'er, why am I angry with you? I'm just worried about your body. If Aunt Ping finds out that you are running around, I have to blame you."

Bai Ningxiang was really surprised to see Lou Chenlu appear here, but she couldn't bear to blame everyone for coming.

"I understand my body, it's just hanging on medication. I haven't been out since the last banquet. If I didn't hear that Sister Xiang is coming, I wouldn't come out and walk around."

Lou Chenlu chuckled, and took Bai Ningxiang's hand, "I've already eaten the peach blossom cake my sister gave me. It's more delicious than my home-made one, and it looks nicer too."

(End of this chapter)

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