Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 695 The husband was robbed

Chapter 695 The husband was robbed

"Come on, sit with me in the room, be careful not to blow the wind." Bai Ningxiang glanced at the location of the main room, and led her directly to the east wing, "Would you like to attend Miss Li's flower banquet tomorrow?"

As Mrs. Lou, it is no problem to receive the post, but Lou Chenlu has filial piety besides her health.

"That's why I'm here today. My aunt did receive an invitation, so I won't go. My sister also knows that apart from physical reasons, I have a lot of filial piety, so I shouldn't be able to attend these banquets. If my sister didn't live in the inn, I wouldn't go." I won't come to bother you."

She understands the reason for Rexiao Mo's visit. If it weren't for her aunt, she should have stayed at home.

Bai Ningxiang looked at her, and couldn't help but think of herself in Xiaozhong, and her heart softened a lot. Facing such a weak girl, she would feel guilty even speaking loudly.

"Originally, I was thinking of going to see you after the flower banquet, and it just so happens that you came here. I will ask Yun Ni to go to Yipinxuan to set up a banquet for a while, and we just happened to have a private conversation."

Lou Chenlu nodded with joy, "That's good, I knew it was right to come to see my sister."

Speaking of tomorrow's banquet, Lou Chenlu looked at Bai Ningxiang, hesitated for a while, but couldn't help reminding her.

"Sister Xiang, I have something to tell you... Although I don't care about the length of the person behind the scenes, I am afraid that my sister will fall into the trap of others without knowing it. I will feel guilty in my heart. It is not a glorious thing in the first place. Absolutely must not be contaminated."

Seeing Lou Chenlu's disgusted expression, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help pinching her cheek,
"Hey, what's worrying you so much, let me hear it?"

"Cough... It's something bad about the Zhou family. Elder sister knows about Zhou Meng. She has decided on the eldest son of Ma County magistrate of Gong County, and has already fixed the marriage date... But something went wrong, and Qin Yan became Mr. Ma's good friend." concubine."

When Lou Chenlu said this, her face was already flushed, if it wasn't for her favorite sister Xiangxiang in front of her, she would not be able to open her mouth no matter what.

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Qin Yan, good concubine?
Cousins ​​serve the same husband?
What's the mess?

"Wow~, what a big melon. I have an impression of Qin Yan. The last banquet was hard for us. A little vixen who is used to being a demon."

Yun Ni opened her eyes wide in surprise, her eyeballs gloating.

Bai Ningxiang glared at her, this girl has failed to imitate the boy.

"The Zhou mansion is really messy enough. Although I don't know Zhou Meng very well, judging by her personality, she is not the one who suffers, so I just admit it?"

"... My cousin and her fiancé are together, and if someone bumps into her on the spot, so what if she doesn't recognize her? Besides, that Mr. Ma seems to have taken a fancy to Qin Yan, and he still protects him after being bumped into. It's embarrassing for the entire Zhou family. I heard that Mr. Zhou Meng wanted to hang her neck, and Mrs. Zhou agreed to it after crying and begging, but the barrier between mother and daughter may not be able to escape."

Bai Ningxiang: "...I didn't expect Mrs. Zhou to be kind to her niece, she would rather wrong her own daughter."

"After all, she was raised by her side since she was a child. Qin Yan's reputation has been ruined. No one dared to ask for it except Mr. Ma. Mrs. Zhou could only admit it. After negotiating with Ma's family, she gave her the reputation of being a good concubine. gone."

Lou Chenlu said, feeling infinitely emotional,
"Zhou Meng has been acting like a madman recently. Even though the wedding is approaching, he doesn't care about it. He has a very bad temper. So, I was afraid that my sister would meet in Li's house, so I came here on purpose."

(End of this chapter)

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