Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 700 Meeting in a narrow road

Chapter 700 Meeting in a narrow road

After burning incense, the carriage stopped at the gate of Li's Mansion. There were girls and women waiting for her. When she saw Bai Ningxiang get off the carriage, she immediately came to welcome her.

"Welcome Miss Bai, my girl has already ordered her servant to wait, please." Dao Sui saluted with a smile on her face.

"It's work."

Bai Ningxiang smiled slightly, and Yun Ni immediately held the hand of the rice ear, and sent the purse that she had prepared long ago.

The old woman who was waiting on the side looked eagerly. It turned out that the white girl was so generous that she gave money before she even entered the door.

Bai Ningxiang followed the ears of rice to the backyard. It was indeed a feast of flowers. Along the way, there were flowers everywhere, all kinds and colorful.

But her favorite is the purple water lily in the celadon pot.

The purple petals and tender yellow stamens burst out of the water, together with the green leaves floating on the water surface, just like a good color of a hibiscus emerging from the water.

"Is it too late for me?" Bai Ningxiang looked at the ears of rice leading the way, and chuckled lightly.

"Miss Bai is neither early nor late, it's just right. Miss Pei and Miss Zhang have just arrived. Besides, there are a few friends of my wife's. The rest have not arrived yet."

Dao Sui knew that the girl was asking her what kind of guests were coming, anyway, she would see her soon, so there was no need to hide it.

Bai Ningxiang nodded, it seems that Mrs. Li invited a lot of people to the banquet this time.

"Miss Bai, I haven't seen you for a while, today is a coincidence."

While talking, Zhou Meng walked over with the girl, and beside her stood a woman in her 40s. Seeing the similar appearance of the two, she knew that this must be Mrs. Zhou.

Thinking of the news that Sister Lu'er leaked to her yesterday, Bai Ningxiang lingered on Mrs. Zhou's face twice more.

Sure enough, even if Mrs. Zhou was wearing a thick layer of makeup, she couldn't hide the blue eyes and haggard look on her face.

"Greetings to Mrs. Zhou." Bai Ningxiang blessed her body, skipped Zhou Meng, and greeted Mrs. Zhou.

"You know me?" Madam Zhou frowned, looking at the girl in front of her.

"It's not difficult to guess. Miss Zhou looks very similar to you. Besides, the county magistrate's wife is hosting a banquet, and ordinary people can't easily come in." Bai Ningxiang's words were actually a compliment.

It's a pity that if you are willing to show face, others may not appreciate it.

"You are the white girl?"

Mrs. Zhou has been observing the girl in front of her, and she has to say that no matter whether it is her daughter or niece, she cannot compare.

However, she once heard her niece complain about her grievances, saying that a country girl surnamed Bai was always aggressive and difficult to get along with.

Mrs. Zhou didn't ask her to get up, but started to ask. As an official wife, it was considered rude.

But she is an official anyway, Bai Ningxiang didn't care, she got up by herself and responded with a smile,
"Yes, the little girl's surname is Bai."

Madam Zhou looked at her neither humble nor overbearing attitude, and her eyes flashed with displeasure, but she also knew the severity, this is not her territory, if she gets angry, she will not give face to the magistrate's wife.

"I heard that Miss Bai is in the tea business? Are you doing well?"

Listening to Mrs. Zhou's inquiry, Bai Ningxiang raised her eyebrows. It seems that the Zhou family's troubles haven't broken her down yet, otherwise she wouldn't be bothering about other people's affairs.

Just opened her mouth and nailed herself to the position of a merchant, as if she were a three-year-old child?

"I can't deserve Mrs. Zhou's praise. I'm just a small tea farmer who has planted a few hundred acres of tea gardens."

As a scholar, farmer, businessman, being a tea farmer is much better than being a merchant.

(End of this chapter)

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