Chapter 701 Heartache
Mrs. Zhou's face twitched when she heard Bai Ningxiang's tone, is the tea garden of several hundred acres or a small tea farmer?

Looking at her glib and eloquent face, Sister Yan is really right, she is indeed sharp-tongued.

Looking at her clothes, Mrs. Zhou narrowed her eyes, "I heard that the tea farmers are working hard, but you are doing well."

"Mrs. Zhou was joking. My family has a simple population and there is nothing wrong with it. It is still affordable to buy a few servants to take care of me."

Bai Ningxiang clasped her hands in her lower abdomen, and there was a jingle on her left wrist. A pair of jade bracelets were exposed from the sleeves, and her wrists were as white and delicate as creamy fat.

Hearing the crisp sound, and the excellent-colored jadeite, Mrs. Zhou couldn't help but her eyelids twitched, she silently calculated, and her face almost couldn't hold back.

The clothes from head to toe, the color and the texture, all cost hundreds of taels of silver, which is simply unbearable. Is a tea farmer so rich now?

Look at her again, even though she is the wife of the county magistrate, there are constant disturbances in the backyard, and more than half of the money the master earns is wasted on those little bastards.

The remaining ones are sent to her, not only to bear the expenses of the family, but also to save the dowry and betrothal gifts for the children.

Now that there is such a mess again, she is almost hollowed out by her daughter.

Thinking about the money spent these days, rushing like running water, it hurts to think about it.

But there is no way, whoever let the niece do such a scandal, watching her cry to death in front of her, whether she hates it or resents it, she can't force people to death.

In the end, she could only grit her teeth and add some private houses to make her life in Ma's house easier in the future.

But when Sister Meng found out, she rushed in front of her with red eyes, and told her through gritted teeth that when she married into the Ma family, she would definitely not make Sister Yan feel better, and she would not stop until she was killed.

When she saw the hatred in Sister Meng's eyes, she realized that her behavior of subsidizing Sister Yan in private had completely angered her.

Sister Meng blames herself for not caring about her face... But what can she do, her younger siblings are dying, besides her mother, she is also an aunt, with fleshy palms and backs, he is the one who suffers the most.

Since then, Sister Meng has been going crazy, she started to prepare her own dowry, and ran out every day, and several shopkeepers came to collect the bills every few days, and the little private house she had saved had bottomed out.

Looking at Bai Ningxiang now, she can't wait to take off everything on her body, a country girl is worthy of these good things.

Bai Ningxiang looked at Mrs. Zhou's wonderful expression, and the smile on her face became even brighter.

"Mrs. Zhou, please."

Mrs. Zhou glanced at Bai Ningxiang, and snorted in her heart, thinking that you are sensible, "I heard that you live in the country all year round, and there are many rules in the city, so you better be careful."

"Thank you, Mrs. Zhou, for the reminder. Fortunately, the host today is the county magistrate's wife. This should be the place with the most rules in the entire Ba County. I know the county magistrate's wife is elegant and gentle, otherwise I would be really scared. Woolen cloth."

Bai Ningxiang's meaning is obvious, they are all here as guests, the biggest county magistrate's wife doesn't care, what do you, a county magistrate's wife, care about so much?
"Hehe... Sister Xiang, why are you standing here? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

With a brisk laugh, Li Xingchun came out with the girl. When she saw Mrs. Zhou and her daughter, her expression froze, and she immediately turned around.

"Mrs. Zhou and Ms. Zhou are here too. Please hurry up. Mother is talking to the ladies."

(End of this chapter)

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