Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 705 Life is like a play all depends on acting skills

Chapter 705 Life is like a play all depends on acting skills
Mrs. Li picked up the teacup, looked at the faces of everyone, and couldn't help laughing in her heart. She was very curious about the expressions these ladies would have when they knew that General Han was standing behind Miss Bai.

Yesterday, her son came back and told her that Miss Bai and General Han are brothers and sisters, and they have a deep relationship. The other thing is that Dr. Lou is the aunt of the Lou family in Qingdu.

After living in Ba County for these years, they only knew that there was Mrs. Qianjin Shoulou in Ba County, but they had never been connected with the Lou family of Guanglu Temple in Qingdu.

Mrs. Lou, who is respected and admired by others, has gained a firm foothold in Ba County with her own medical skills, rather than relying on the protection of her ancestors. Such a person is worthy of respect wherever she is placed.

"Madam, the banquet is ready, do you want to have a banquet?" At this moment, the girl came in and told.

"It's in the flower hall. Let's go there now." Madam Li put down her teacup and chuckled, "Look, I forgot the time when I said this. It's already noon. Let's move to the flower hall first."

As she said that, she did not forget to tell the woman beside her to call the girls who were enjoying the flowers in the garden to come back to the table.

When Li Xingchun brought the girls to the flower hall to take a seat, everyone had already been waiting for a long time.

As the head of a county, the wife of the county magistrate also attracts attention when holding a flower banquet.

Almost all the respectable wives in the county were present, and even those who hadn't received the invitation would brazenly follow the acquaintances, just to get into this circle and get acquainted.

Mrs. Li may have been used to it a long time ago. Things are prepared early. There are three tables for the elders and two tables for the girls.

The Flower Banquet, as the name suggests, is named after flowers. In addition to enjoying the flowers, a lot of seasonal flowers are also used in the food. It looks seductive. Even if it is a water radish, it has to be carved into a white magnolia flower. Served with sweet vinegar sauce and a few mint leaves, it is refreshing and delicious.

All kinds of flower-themed food came up from the north end one after another, and Bai Ningxiang couldn't help but twitched the corner of her lower lip. It's good for the eyes, but the taste is too plain.

After she tried a few fancy foods, she put down her chopsticks. Although she knew this kind of banquet, no one came rushing to eat a meal, but she couldn't eat it, and she still had a toothache.

Moreover, she also discovered an interesting phenomenon, whether it is girls or wives, everyone can comment on each dish with incomparable accuracy, and then taste it as if enjoying it, and then nod in a serious manner. Then it looked like that.

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Life is boring, all depends on acting.

There are so many actors living in a small county town, which she had neglected before.

"Sister Xiang, why don't you eat it? Doesn't it suit your appetite?" Li Xingchun couldn't help but ask as she watched Bai Ningxiang not moving her chopsticks.

"It's not that it's not to my liking, but the carvings of these flowers are so beautiful and lifelike that I can't bear to eat them."

Bai Ningxiang's mouth is plain, she can't bear to eat flowers and grass all the time.

"Heh~, looking at Miss Bai's clothes, she doesn't look like she's having a hard time. Is it because she's lived in the country all year round and hasn't attended these banquets?"

A girl sitting next to Pei Hongyi looked at Bai Ningxiang and couldn't help but speak with a sneer in her eyes.

Sure enough, he was an ignorant country bumpkin, who squinted his eyes after a feast of flowers.

"This girl, what's your surname?" Bai Ningxiang looked at her and tilted her head.

" don't know me?" The girl looked at everyone's eyes, her cheeks flushed, and she glared at Bai Ningxiang angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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