Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 706 The episode at the dinner table

Chapter 706 The episode at the dinner table

Hearing the girl's question, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help being happy, "Girl, do you have any misunderstandings about yourself? Why should I know you, or is your reputation already well-known throughout Ba County? If so, it would be rude. "

It's just a spoiled girl at home, she won't be angry, but when she goes out as a guest, she is not a soft persimmon to be pinched casually.

"'re rude," the girl blushed when Bai Ningxiang yelled at her, her eyes immediately filled with tears, she looked as if she was about to cry or not, and she felt sorry for me.

"Miss, please be in charge of what you say, okay? When accusing others, think about whether you are being rude first. Although I live in the country all year round, I still know a little about the rules of being a guest."

As Bai Ningxiang said, she looked around the table before opening her mouth quietly.

"The guest can only enjoy themselves as long as the host does. How can there be any reason to cause trouble to the host when you come to the door?"

As soon as Bai Ningxiang's words fell, everyone looked at the girl with subtle eyes, didn't they, who doesn't want a banquet to start happily and end happily?
No matter what the reason for the unhappiness, it is always because the host has no face and the host is unfavorable, which will cause the trouble.

Seeing the unclear eyes of everyone, the girl blushed, and glared at Bai Ningxiang angrily, only to realize that she was looking at her with a half-smile, thinking of her reminder just now, her face turned blue and white.

The flower hall is only so big, their small dispute can definitely be heard from the master's table, if the county magistrate's wife is dissatisfied with her, the loss outweighs the gain.

"Girl, please don't cry. The madam deliberately chose a festive day for the flower banquet. It would be a pity to meet tears."

Bai Ningxiang looked at her and kindly reminded her.


Everyone didn't expect Bai Ningxiang to remind her, and in an instant, the table fell into embarrassment.

Li Xingchun glanced at the girl and knew that she belonged to the Cheng family, who opened a lucky jewelry store.

Originally, she thought that the jewelry store had a good reputation and the owner was well managed. Every time she and her mother went there, she and her mother would be taken special care of them. Although she knew the other party's intentions, as long as it was harmless, her mother would never refuse to associate with these ladies.

It's just that I didn't expect that the girls in the family were really not well-bred. She will have to pay attention to it at the next banquet, and they can't ruin the reputation of the house.

But as the host, she didn't hold on to it, but directly changed the subject.

"Come, come, don't be dazed. Today's fruit wine is good. It's green plum wine that my mother has stored in the cellar for three years. It is most suitable for our girl's house. You can try it. If you like it, there are still a few jars in the cellar. I will give it to you soon." Move them all over."

"Ha~, Sister Li, are you planning to get us all drunk?" Pei Hongyi covered her mouth with a handkerchief, and changed the subject cooperatively.

"Green plum wine is not easy to get drunk, even if you get drunk, you won't be afraid. I promise to send all of you to your home and hand them over to your aunts." Li Xingchun raised his head proudly, and patted his chest confidently to promise.

At this moment, the girls brought another plate of hot dishes, minced chicken and bean curd, white and tender, sprinkled with crushed peanuts and chopped parsley, with a strong fragrance.

"This minced chicken bean curd is my favorite dish. I usually like the spicy taste when I use it myself. Today, I was afraid that girls can't eat spicy food, so I didn't put it in. You all have to try it. If you like it, I have it Fang Zi, pour the juice according to your own taste later, it is suitable for all ages."

(End of this chapter)

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