Chapter 746 20 taels of silver
Those aristocratic families in Qingdu, except for those who are ranked among the three princes, have the opportunity to get rewards from the monarch, and get some gold and silk, but the amount is limited, so they won't be wasted in letters.

As for the 20 taels of silver, it is not a small amount, where exactly will it be used?

worthy of attention.

"Keep an eye on the people around Liu Gongren, don't let go of any clues, and see if there is any change, whether it is a bank note or cash, someone will always receive it."

"Don't worry, I've been watching for a long time, and I will never let a suspicious fly go."

Wei Zixian leaned on the chair, looked at the empty white clouds, and couldn't help sighing.

"Tsk tsk~, 20 taels of silver, if you eat and drink normally, you won't have to worry about it for a few lifetimes."

Speaking of this, his face suddenly showed a look of despair. He is a poor man. He has been with someone for all these years, but he has not earned any money, but he has lost a lot of herbs. Sometimes he has to go up the mountain to collect herbs himself. .

"I said, do you have to pay me some wages? I live on steamed buns for a month and a half."

Han Jing looked at him, "There are wine and food in the house, but it's a pity you can't stay."

I go to the mountains and forests every day to gather herbs, and I don't bother to make a fire to cook. The dry food I bring is flatbread besides steamed buns. Blame him?

But having said that, the lives of these men are really rough, at least they can't compare with girls.

Even though the girl is nestled in the village, the food she uses is not the best in the world, but the taste is really good.

Especially those hard dishes, old duck and winter bamboo shoot soup, hot and sour black fish slices, burnt lamb, pork ribs in black bean sauce...

Seeing Wei Zixian's aggrieved look, Han Jing also felt a little empathetic, there was no way, who made him poor.

"Don't worry, the girl has already promised that the tea garden will see the benefits immediately, and you can add dried meat when you bring dry food next time."

"Thank you." Wei Zixian couldn't help but roll his eyes, what the hell, is it interesting to be embarrassed in front of him every day?

Knowing that he found a cornucopia of daughter-in-laws, he stimulated her every day.

"No matter how much money you earn, if you squander it, sooner or later you will have to eat steamed buns poorly."

It's not intentional to hit him, but the prospect is worrisome. He can't see a day of big fish and big meat at all.

For those disabled soldiers who came down from the battlefield, after the imperial court issued a one-time disability subsidy of five taels of silver, they didn't care about it. Just this one, who was very capable, took in batches after batches.

Just for food and clothing, it is not a small expenditure every year. In order to take care of the disabled, the herbal medicine can keep up, and his hair is almost bald.

"Boss, why don't we cut off the 20 silver, which is enough for a year's rations. If you want, you can also allocate me to buy herbs."

Hearing Wei Zixian's tone, Han Jing's heart skipped a beat, and she subconsciously rubbed the jade ring on her little finger, which really reminded him.

So much money, where is it used?
Ordinary people can't spend too much in a short period of time, unless there are many people and the consumption is high.

The fastest place to spend money?


If this silver is put in a family, it will definitely be very rich... If it is thrown in the military camp, it may not even stir up a wave.

Thinking of this, Han Jing's eyes shrank. Someone is raising private soldiers at the emperor's feet?
One side would dare not get involved in this serious crime of beheading, but the remaining few... It's hard to say.

Han Jing stroked the tail ring in his hand, and fell into deep thought. The people around him were already familiar with their general's behavior. When the general was thinking, he just needed to keep quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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