Chapter 747 Vortex
The Han family's guardianship was a privilege given by their ancestors, and now it has become a thorn in the throat of the king, a knife under the pillow, and he can't wait to deal with it quickly, so he will definitely not promise such an honor to other courtiers.

Not only will he not give it, but he is also very afraid of things that leave power behind.

Before he came out, when he handed over the [-] defenses outside the city to the monarch, he obviously felt the monarch's joy, but in order to show his trust in the Han family, he directly handed over the [-] defenses to the crown prince and asked him to act as his substitute. , I will hand it over when I go back.

He laughed it off at the time, and didn't take it seriously at all. He never cared about the defense of Qingdu. If the capital of Daqing was broken by the enemy, the country would be ruined and the family would be destroyed. How could a mere [-] defenses stop it?

The [-] defenses set up by the monarch are not so much the emperor's guards, but a place where the children of the aristocratic families squeeze their heads to be gilded. If anyone is there to be a school captain or something, he will be honored with his ancestors.

Therefore, the defense battalion ten miles outside the city had weak combat effectiveness, and he never looked down upon it.

In Qingdu, there are only a few people who hold the military power.

The soldiers and horses can't wait to write a letter every day to ask the monarch to allocate money and food.

The Ministry of Households is in charge of all the tributes of money and valleys in the imperial court, so the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of War are at odds with each other.

Wars of mouth belong to wars of mouth, but the court never loses money to the Ministry of War.

Only for the 10 people in Qingdu's defense, the annual allocation of money is far from enough, and they need to make up for it themselves. This is also a restriction imposed by the imperial court.

Poverty leads to change. No matter how you subsidize it, having money in your hands is king.

After thinking about it, Han Jing looked at Wei Zixian on the opposite side, and said in a deep voice.

"The barracks is the place that consumes the most money. Before I came out, I deliberately handed over the military talisman to the monarch. Now the crown prince is working part-time. Besides, the Nine Kings also hold [-] in their hands."

Hearing Han Jing's reminder, Wei Zixian was taken aback, "You mean that 20 taels of silver went to the defense camp?"

"The defense battalion is the most suspected. Qing is the center of power. If you want to fight for power and profit, you will naturally focus on the defense battalion." Han Jing said quietly, but anyone who can target the defense battalion must be a relative of the emperor.

With soldiers in hand and at your own disposal, at critical moments, it is still very useful to force a palace or something.

Compared to Han Jing who doesn't care, Wei Zixian thinks more than him,

"One end of the defense battalion is the crown prince, and the other end is the Ninth Prince. Both of them are easily available. You also said that the crown prince is only a temporary replacement, so the Ninth Prince is the most suspicious?"

A mother is a mother, and the military pay allocated by the imperial court to the defense battalion has always been tight. If someone is willing to pay out of their own pockets to solve this problem at this time, those soldiers will naturally be willing to follow.

As long as there is something, it is tantamount to seeking benefits for oneself under the banner of the imperial court.

If it was really the Ninth Prince, Wei Zixian wouldn't be surprised, that was the monarch's younger brother, a proper emperor's uncle, living in an extremely luxurious life, if he used gold and silk letter paper, it would also make sense.

"No matter what they are planning, it's just that this hand is stretched too far? It is related to the emperor's relatives, and some things are really difficult."

Wei Zixian shook his head. Fortunately, he is just a little bastard in the Imperial College, and he can run away if he is not convinced. If he was reborn in the royal family, he would not even have the qualifications to run. If he stays in the vortex of power every day, he will be driven crazy sooner or later.

"Boss, let me remind you that we only need to confirm that the golden silk letterhead came from the residence of the Nine Kings, and confirm his crimes. As for how to pronounce the sentence, you can leave it to the monarch. We don't get involved."

(End of this chapter)

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