Chapter 797

Bah, selfish woman,
When you are hated by someone, you know that your eyes are red, you cry aggrievedly, and you are respected by others, and you have a clean look on your face.

If she had such a baby girl, she would wake up laughing from her dreams.

Bai Ningxiang looked at her mother's slightly red eyes, trying to bear it, and felt very helpless.

Living in the country, when you feel unhappy, you can complain as much as you want, cry as you want, no one will laugh at you, and no one will stop you.

She always puts on airs, so out of gregariousness, she will suffer in the future.

Although Wang's words are not good, she is indeed reasonable. According to the general custom, a daughter is still in charge of her natal family's affairs after she gets married.

"Ahem... Calm down, today is a good day for Xiangyao, if any of you make her unhappy, the crutch in the old woman's hand will not recognize anyone."

The patriarch's wife poked the ground with her cane, stretched out her hand to hold Sister Jia's hand,
"Eat and eat, watch and watch, it's getting late, let's go away. After working at home for so long, it's time to pack up and rest for a while."

"Hee hee~ Grandma, I guess you are tired and want to go home and take a nap."

Sister Jia supported the old lady's arm, and quietly approached her ear, but unfortunately her voice was not too low, everyone could hear it.

"You ghost girl, grandma is getting old, can she be as energetic as you young people?"

Lao Bai got angry and wanted to hit her leg with his crutches, but the little girl was already prepared to suffer, so she giggled and slipped away.

The embarrassing atmosphere disappeared after the grandparents and grandchildren made a fuss. Everyone led them to the front yard. Only Shen stayed in the backyard and did not follow. When everyone left, she let go of her tightly clenched hands. She was soaked in sweat and became more oily.

"Aunt Deng, Brother Xing didn't even kiss me when we had dinner in the front hall."

Aunt Deng bluntly said that it is better to be kind than to be kind, the wife only gives birth but not to raise, what does the child know, who is close to whom, what is wrong.

"Cough~ Madam, don't worry, it will be fine when Brother Xing grows up."

When Brother Xing grows up and knows that his wife is his biological mother, he may treat him kindly, and it may be impossible to get close to him.

Shen looked up at the blue sky, and muttered to herself, "That's right, it will be fine when he grows up."

... She is the mistress of the Bai family. When her elder brother Xing grows up and becomes the helm of the Bai family, she will be the most honorable old lady, and no one will pass her by then.

Relying on a daughter to support her is not a good name after all, and she has to suffer from the idleness of those foolish women.

It is said in the book: A woman obeys others, obeys father and brother when young, obeys husband when married, obeys son when husband dies.

After all, she still has to rely on her son.

"Go back, we have nothing to do here."

Shen looked at the courtyard in front of her, then at the betrothal gifts placed in the main room, her eyes flickered, and she walked away.

In the past, she wanted to marry Sister Xiang to her natal family, but she didn't expect that the direction she went after going around was completely opposite to her expectation.

However, it's not necessarily bad for siblings to love each other deeply. Before Brother Xing grows up, Sister Xiang will definitely not leave this family behind.

Seeing Madam's resolute and lonely back, for some reason, Aunt Deng shuddered suddenly. She always felt that Madam's place was different, but she couldn't say it for a while.

She just couldn't figure it out, when times were hard, mother and daughter depended on each other for life, and they obviously had a very good relationship, why was there a estrangement when life was easier?

(End of this chapter)

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