Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 798 The docile lion

Chapter 798 The docile lion

Alas, in the end it was because she had never read the book and lacked knowledge, so she couldn't understand it.

The front yard was still very lively at this time, and everyone was talking about their marriage. Fortunately, Han Jing was very patient and could answer patiently when asked by name.

The chatterbox opened, and the restraint in everyone's hearts disappeared in Han Jing's gentle words.

Bai Ningxiang was very helpless, there was no place for her to intervene, so she simply lowered her head and drank tea.

The little man was standing beside her, secretly rubbing close to her ear, and smiling.

"Boss, this is the power of the seven concubines and eight aunts. Have you learned it now? I understand that no matter where you are or where you are, there is always the same way to meet aunts, aunts, aunts and second aunts."

Bai Ningxiang looked at her schadenfreude, "Why, you've seen it before?"

"Tch, it's more than just seeing it. My personal experience is like a disaster movie... When my sister was a student party, she usually lived on campus. My little goblin, ahem... My stepmother cried to her relatives for some reason. Family gatherings are almost my personal criticism meeting."

Once or twice, it made her even more disgusted, as if she had committed some heinous crime.

In the end, she didn't even have the desire to go home. For her, it was a hell on earth.

Gradually, she finally got over it, that woman didn't want to go back by herself at all.

Bai Ningxiang looked at her fleeting sadness, and secretly responded with a word.

"Fortunately, Dahai doesn't have these troublesome relatives. You have kept your ears."

Hearing the old ridicule, the little man was stunned for a moment, then stunned for a while,
"It was hard work for me, and I was the one who bumped in to meet a loyal dog-type husband."

The love between her and the sea is not as simple as thousands of mountains and rivers, but is separated by time and space, and the cliff is true love.

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

The more people chatted, the more fun they had. The tea was changed to another one, and they left reluctantly until the sun was westward. Before leaving, her uncles even made an appointment to chat with Han Jing.

They are really a group of simple people who have completely forgotten that no matter how docile a lion is, it cannot change into a cat or the fact that it eats meat.

Seeking skins from tigers, she admires these men.

"How do you feel?" Bai Ningxiang raised her head and looked at Han Jing with teasing eyes.

"It feels very novel, not bad." Han Jing raised the corners of his lips, and his eyes were full of joy.

Although their questions were strange and practical, and sometimes difficult to answer, it was a brand new experience for him.

Besides, they are all close friends of girls, so naturally they need to be more patient.

Seeing that he didn't want to lie, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help but chuckled,
"Brother Yi is really extraordinary... his endurance is extraordinary."

She made everyone dizzy by herself, what could she say, the grandpa and a few uncles still had more to say when they left.

Looking at the teasing eyes of the girl, Han Jing raised his hand to the corner of his lips, coughed lightly, bent down slightly, and spoke softer.

"My name is Ai Wu Ji Wu, girl, don't forget." Innocent girl, I will get all these back in the future.

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Why did she feel that there was something in what her brother-in-law said?
Before she could speak, she heard voices at the door.

"Big girl, why don't you go?"

Huajiao stopped and looked into the yard. She had already met her future brother-in-law today, and she looked good, but for some reason, she smiled a little scary.

(End of this chapter)

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