Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 825 Beheading is in the bud

Chapter 825 Beheading is in the bud

When she came back disheveled with her bundle, no matter how arrogant she was, her arrogance was gone.

Since she wants to be a canary, build her a gorgeous cage and keep her in captivity.

Looking at the girl's deep eyes, Yun Ni always felt that the girl's behavior today was not simple,
"Girl, why are you acting like this all of a sudden? If Madam gets upset and she makes a fuss regardless, then both your reputation and the young master's reputation will be damaged."

In her opinion, people who don't know good and bad should not live in this world.

Being ruined by one's own mother will never clear it up for a lifetime. If it really gets to that point, it's better to confine people directly, or you can't see people for the rest of your life, or you can die directly.

The moment the thoughts in her heart filled her mind, the killing intent on Yun Ni subconsciously surged out.

Bai Ningxiang turned her head to look at Yun Ni, reached out and patted her shoulder,

"As long as I give her a glimmer of hope, she won't dare. It's the portrayal of my mother to face the pain and suffer. She doesn't dare to make a mess for her own good life."

If it really got to that point, all her dreams would be shattered, so it would be meaningless.

Based on her understanding of her mother, what she is best at is bitter drama and bitter tricks.

As long as the time comes and the canary returns to its cage, it will be fine.

As for making her disappear... She thought about it, she didn't make a move, and after being reborn, she hoped that everyone around her would be safe and live as she liked.

It's a pity that she still didn't control people's hearts well, which made her mother a variable.

But she didn't want her mother to leave early like in her previous life.

"After the spring tea is over, I will go to Qingdu with my brother-in-law. All the things in the house will be temporarily handed over to my little man and my little aunt. Without me, a domineering patriarch, my mother will definitely come out to be a demon."

The family business that she has worked so hard to support cannot be swallowed up by others because of some people's selfish desires and internal struggles.

With my mother's IQ and greed, as long as the other party does what she likes, she will be easily taken advantage of.

After getting engaged to brother-in-law, the two are like grasshoppers on a rope, pulling her whole body. Like brother-in-law, she has a heavy responsibility on her shoulders, and she has to be vigilant all the time.

The most unbearable and unacceptable thing for her was that she was fighting bloody battles in front of her, while someone behind her was stabbing her and making trouble.

Therefore, before her marriage with her brother-in-law was revealed to the public, she would kill all possible disturbances.

During the germination period, it will be completely cleaned up.

Listening to the girl's explanation, Yun Ni paused, and everything straightened out in an instant.

She just said, why did the girl suddenly lose her temper, that's why.

In the days that followed, Bai Ningxiang also began to devote her energy to tea gardens and tea factories.

Before picking, all the preparatory matters in the early stage should be properly arranged, so that there can be no mistakes.

During this period, Lu Feng'er came several times, but was rejected by her.

For some unnecessary trouble, she didn't even let the door in, and let Dahe send him away.

The day before the Lantern Festival, Lu Feng'er brought her natal sister-in-law to visit her. The white tea was not allowed to enter, so she just stayed at the door and refused to leave.

The man already had a scar on his face, and after a few threatening words with a black face, the two of them turned pale and ran away in despair.

During the Lantern Festival, lanterns are set off and glutinous rice balls are eaten, which means that the New Year is officially over.

(End of this chapter)

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