Chapter 826

Early in the morning, Bai Ningxiang asked someone to prepare, hanging lanterns, hanging pompoms, colorful, very lively.

The last festival in the first month is over, and their busy days are coming.

As soon as noon arrived, Bai Ningxiang saw Dahe bring Shen Hong, the little cousin of the Shen family, into the yard, seeing the young man's rosy face, the journey was a lot of trouble.

"Cousin, I was entrusted to deliver the letter."

"I know, don't worry, drink some tea first and rest your feet." Bai Ningxiang almost laughed when she saw Shen Hong's pretentious look.

In a blink of an eye, Xiao Douding, who used to have a runny nose, is 14 years old and can help run errands.

After running for a long time, Shen Hong was really tired. He ate two plates of cakes and drank a pot of tea before he recovered.

"Ahem... Cousin, my aunt sent me to bring a message, saying that it is not good for a married daughter to stay in her mother's house for a long time, and ask you to send a car to pick her up."

"Before cousin came, didn't you alarm the family?" Bai Ningxiang looked at him and asked softly.

"No, my aunt won't let me."

"That's it. Your grandmother misses her daughter. Naturally, she won't let her go easily. Don't worry, cousin. When my cousin is free, she will pick her up in person."

Bai Ningxiang's eyes flashed, she overestimated her mother's patience, it's only been a few days, how can she be impatient?

"Oh, good." Without doubting him, Shen Hong clapped his hands and stood up, "Then I'll go first."

"Don't worry, I'll let Dahe drive you back later, but I can only send you to the entrance of the village. When my aunt asks about you, just tell the truth."

Bai Ningxiang left him for lunch, and asked Yun Ni to prepare a box of pastries for him. It was not easy for half a child to run here in one go.

the next day,
Bai Ningxiang took people to the county. She bought two shops and a small village a few years ago, but she didn't check them out.

I heard that after the Zhou family was ruined, everyone wanted to step on it like a mouse crossing the street. I don't know if the gangster whose leg was pierced by Ding Yang wanted money?
Ding Yang drove a carriage to Xiaoyao Village, and was stopped by people as soon as he entered the village.

"Who are you, come to our Zhuangzi for something?"

It was an old man who spoke, holding a cigarette stick in his hand, watching Ding Yang's carriage vigilantly.

"Uncle Zhang, I'm Ding Yang, and the new owner is here to check on Zhuangzi."

Ding Yang jumped out of the car and walked up to old man Zhang, "You don't know me anymore?"

"Are you Miss Ding Yang?"

Old man Zhang wiped his cloudy eyes with his sleeve, "I'm really old, my eyes are getting blurry, so it's Miss Ding Yang."

"Let's go, let's go in and talk about it." Ding Yang got into the carriage again, followed old man Zhang into Zhuangzi, and stopped in front of a small courtyard with three brick-roofed houses.

"Girl, this is the place where the master's family rests temporarily to deal with chores. It was cleaned up when I came last time."

Old man Zhang watched Bai Ningxiang get out of the car, and quickly called his wife to open the door of the main room.

"This yard has always been guarded by the little old man and his wife. It is cleaned every three days to ensure it is clean."

Bai Ningxiang nodded, looking at a few reed chickens scattered in the yard, farm tools at the door, a few coarse linen clothes drying in the yard, and a side room with a door open, which was the room where Uncle Zhang and his wife lived.

"Uncle Zhang, was there a Zhuangtou in Zhuangzi before?"

"Back to the owner, our village is small. The previous owner didn't set up a village head, and the little old man has been helping to watch it. Every time the harvest is harvested, the stewards of the house will come and watch in person, and then transport the grain back to the county. The rest is Come when the seeds are distributed, there is nothing else to do, and there will be no Zhuangtou."

(End of this chapter)

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