Chapter 830
She has known this girl for more than three years. When she first met this girl, she could always find the hostility hidden in her heart from time to time. She watched her carefully protect her mother, like an eagle fighting at any time.

As she walked step by step, her aura became much more restrained, and her mind became more peaceful.

"Ahem...Actually, I came here today to accuse Aunt Ping." Bai Ningxiang blinked, and narrated the news about herself and her righteous brother Xiao Ding, and by the way, told them about their trip to Qingdu. The plan was also told to her.

Listening to Bai Ningxiang's narration, Lou Qingping was silent for a while, took a sip of tea, and sighed again in her heart, this girl is really busy, she has not been idle year after year.

"Aunt Ping, don't be angry, the time is too short... When I come back from Qingdu, I will have a new banquet and make up for my rudeness."

For Lou Qingping, Bai Ningxiang still cared a lot, the two of them had forgotten their friendship.

"Pfft~ Girl, I'm thinking too much, why am I angry with you? Alas, it seems that I have to prepare a big red envelope to add makeup to you."

Lou Qingping looked at her anxious look, couldn't help chuckling,
"Han Jing is well-known and has a good character. People under his protection are generally not provoked. But the girl should also be careful, the tree attracts the wind, and be careful in everything."

"In the place of Qingdu, it is a bit exaggerated to say that Longtan and Tiger's Den, but there are whirlpools everywhere, and I accidentally fell into it. I came out from there, and I have a deep understanding."

"Thank you, Aunt Ping, for your reminder. I will be careful."

Bai Ningxiang nodded, feeling very touched in her heart, she had suffered a lot in Qingdu in her previous life, even with Mrs. Han protecting her, she was still stumbling a lot behind the scenes.

The most attacked is her background, peasant background coupled with the skills of merchants, as long as she attends a banquet, she will always hear a few unpleasant words.

At the beginning, she was still uncomfortable, but when she encountered a banquet, she directly pushed it away. It wasn't until Mrs. Han invited her out that she changed slightly.

But she knew in her heart that those people would not dare to say it in person, but would always say something behind their backs.

This time, when she goes to Qingdu, she will also encounter verbal attacks, but in this life, she has no worries, and she doesn't need to be talked about to hurt her reputation, so she can naturally let go of the past.

Therefore, she was not afraid of Qingdu, but was full of fighting spirit.

"Aunt Ping, according to my plan with Brother Yi, we will leave in May, and the vernal equinox will be in a while. Do you want to take Sister Lu'er to live in the countryside for a while?"

"This?" Lou Qingping hesitated for a while. Sister Lu hadn't taken off her clothes yet, so she was a little hesitant.

"Aunt Ping doesn't have to worry about getting rid of the clothes. I don't care about these. Aunt Ping can take Sister Lu'er to the tea garden. Didn't Doctor Yang say that although the air in the mountains is clear, it is good for physical and mental health."

"Sister Xiang, you're here, I've missed you for a long time." While speaking, Lou Chenlu trotted in.

"Sister Lu, slow down, why are you getting more and more unruly, if my mother sees this, maybe she will talk about me."

Lou Qingping shook her head, this girl was so suffocated, not only did she not go out in the first six months, even the few little sisters she knew didn't come to the door.

"Didn't I want to see Sister Xiang sooner?" Lou Chenlu pouted and sat down next to Bai Ningxiang, panting slightly.

"Sister Xiang doesn't know. Since the Zhou family's accident, everyone dare not go out easily, for fear of being blocked by Mrs. Zhou."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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