Chapter 831
Something happened to the Zhou family, why is she blocking people?


Is this too naive?Colluding with the southern barbarian bandits is a serious crime to punish the nine clans. Who dares to provoke them easily?

Mrs. Lou looked at Bai Ningxiang's unbelievable expression, and she also sighed.

"It's said that the tree fell and the monkeys scattered, and Zhou County Prime Minister went to prison. Those who cater to him wish they could hide away. No one wants to get into this kind of trouble."

"In the beginning, Mrs. Zhou asked for help everywhere, and everyone was very shy. Later, Mrs. Zhou also followed the county magistrate's wife for some reason, and spent every day blocking people at the door. After being blocked twice, Miss Li dared not go out."

For a while, in the entire county, people who used to walk with Zhou's family didn't go out very much, for fear of embarrassing encounters.

Regarding Mrs. Zhou's actions, Bai Ningxiang has nothing to blame. Some people desperately grab a straw to save their lives when they are desperate.

But she didn't know that the county magistrate and the county magistrate had long been different.

If Mrs. Zhou knew that Li Yueyang was the one who collected and arrested Zhou Xiancheng, how would she feel?
"The crime of Zhou Xiancheng has been confirmed. It is a blessing that the family has not been implicated. Mrs. Zhou should understand. Why are you running around in vain?"

"Although I understand the truth, I'm not reconciled to it. You are right. Colluding with barbarians is a felony. Capital punishment has been imposed in all dynasties, and there is no eligibility for reduction or exemption."

"Even if Mrs. Zhou sells her family property, it will be in vain to clear up the relationship with Mr. Zhou."

Mrs. Lou shook her head. Mrs. Zhou still had too little experience, she didn't recognize the reality, and she didn't know the way.

"It's a good thing that Zhou Meng married the Ma family in the neighboring county ahead of time, otherwise he would have suffered a lot." Thinking of Zhou Meng who was proud like a rooster, Lou Chenlu couldn't help but feel lucky for her,
"Although I haven't met the Ma family, just what happened before marriage, the character is still open to question."

Bai Ningxiang shook her head. Before she got married, she dared to make that kind of mistake in Yue's family. She always felt that a slap would not be enough.

"No matter how you say it, Zhou Meng is also the eldest daughter who is carefully cared for by the Zhou family. She is still different from that cousin Qin Yan. As long as she is not willing to bow her head and give in, Zhou Meng's life may not be easy."

It is said that everyone pushes the wall down, and the Zhou family is down. If the Ma family is afraid of being implicated, they must avoid suspicion. The first unlucky person is Zhou Meng.

It's rare for cousins ​​to serve a husband together, and she can't keep a low profile if she wants to.

"Xiang girl is right. The Ma family has not shown up since the Zhou family's accident, and there is no news about Zhou Meng. According to common sense, Mrs. Zhou should ask her daughter for help immediately, instead of pinning her hopes on Madam Magistrate."

The world is hot and cold, and her own family is unreliable, so she pins her hopes on outsiders. In fact, it is better for her to live a low-key life with her son, and maybe she can be of help at that time.

Listening to Mrs. Zhou's situation, Bai Ningxiang was very calm in her heart, she didn't feel gloating, just treat it as feng shui turns.

Not long ago, she was arrogantly embarrassing herself and sent people to intercept her, but in a blink of an eye she was too busy to take care of herself.

"Let's not talk about the Zhou family. When are Aunt Ping and Sister Lu'er planning to come to my house? I'll be there anytime."

"Everything at home is ready-made, so you don't need to prepare it. The main thing is Lu'er's potion, which will take some time. The main reason is that there are a few medicines that are rare and need to be ordered in advance. Let's talk about it after the first month. I will give you news in advance."

(End of this chapter)

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