Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 847 Who hasn't ordered a secret

Chapter 847 Who hasn't ordered a secret
Although the two tea-making techniques are somewhat different, and the experience of the tea-making masters is also slightly different, but with the background of the Zhao family, how could it be possible that there is no bottom of the box?
"To tell you the truth, my uncle used your cloud mist nectar to clear up the relationship last year. This year, the other party took the initiative to open the mouth, and my uncle responded immediately. My old man is also crazy..."

Listening to Zhao Xian's narration, Bai Ningxiang nodded knowingly. She didn't know much about the Pei family, but she still liked Pei Hongyi's personality very much.

"Even if it's a gift, it doesn't take much. I'll prepare ten catties for you... But things are very important, and rare things are expensive. You can decide the quantity yourself."

"Haha... the girl is straightforward, don't worry, my uncle is an old businessman, how can he do business at a loss?"

While drinking tea, the two discussed this year's tea market. When it came to the varieties and types of tea in Daqing, they knew everything about it like the back of their hands.

"Sister Ningxiang is indeed well-informed."

As far as he knew, the girl in front of him hadn't traveled much, and she didn't have the guidance of her elders. Unlike him, there was an old man who was always nagging at home, and he wanted to instill all his accumulated business experience into his brain.

Therefore, compared to the tea leaves in the entire Daqing Kingdom, he was forced to know a lot. Not only that, but his old man also asked him to taste them one by one to analyze their pros and cons... It was hard for him to know.

Fortunately, after more than a year of experience, Zhao Xian was much more stable than before. Even though he was shocked by Bai Ningxiang's experience and had doubts in his heart, he did not dig the ground as heartlessly as before.

Who doesn't have a secret?
... Sister Ningxiang has never traveled far, isn't there General Han Jing beside her?
The son of a noble family in Qingdu is well-informed, so it's not surprising that he helps Ningxiang girl to broaden her horizons.

"Ahem... Sister, do you still pay attention to Jiang Wenxue's affairs?" Zhao Xian glanced at Bai Ningxiang and changed the subject directly.

"I heard that he married the Chen family in the town again. I don't know about the rest. What, something happened again?" Bai Ningxiang put down her teacup, Zhao Xian didn't say anything, she almost forgot about Jiang Wenxue.

"My sister is right. The boy surnamed Jiang is married to the daughter of the Chen family's cloth village. It's a pity that the man is unreliable and always thinks that he will get something for nothing... I don't know how to abuse him. The daughter of the Chen family suffered from dystocia. Fate, the Chen family's parents have lost their daughter, and they are jealous of the Jiang family."

Listening to Zhao Xian's narration, Bai Ningxiang was stunned.

Chen Xiaorou is dead?
The girl threw herself on Jiang Wenwen wholeheartedly, she didn't dislike the quagmire of Jiang's family at all, she didn't expect to drag herself into it.

It seems that some people are born without conscience, do not know how to cherish the people in front of them, are greedy, and do not deserve to live a good life at all.

Looking at Bai Ningxiang's shocked expression, Zhao Xian knew that she really didn't know.

"Oh, it's been a while since this happened. I heard that there was quite a commotion. I thought the girl would hear about it."

Bai Ningxiang choked. For more than a year, whenever she went out, she would go directly to the county. It's been a long time since she walked in Daba Town, so she was a little blindsided when she said it.

"Sister, do you still remember Chen Yuan, Jinshi's family, he is now an official, how could he just watch his sister die for no apparent reason, and sent a doctor and a foreman to examine the body, only to find that the Chen family's daughter was shriveled and emaciated. Like chronically hungry refugees who simply cannot bear to have children."

(End of this chapter)

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