Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 848 Does this count as retribution?

Chapter 848 Does this count as retribution?
Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Jiang Wenwen's mother and son were lazy by nature, so they clung to Chen Xiaorou because she was weak-tempered and easy to handle.


The girl was tortured to death, Chen Yuan shouldn't let Jiang Wenxue off easily, right?
"As soon as the diagnostic results came out, before Mr. Chen could act, Jiang Wenwen's mother and son ran away overnight for fear of being imprisoned. When they were found, they were already dead. It is said that they accidentally fell into the cliff while escaping and fell to their deaths. gone."

Zhao Xian shook his head, with disdain on his face, this kind of person can only waste food while alive, and deserves what he deserves when he dies.

Bai Ningxiang was stunned, fell off the cliff and died?

Such a coincidence?
Why does she feel weird?
"It's a pity for Miss Chen."

She met Chen Xiaorou several times, just like herself in her previous life, she was infatuated and wronged, and finally lost her life.

The Chen family's parents only have one son and one daughter, and they didn't even take office for their son because of their daughter... I don't know how sad they should be.

"The Chen family's parents couldn't stay in the town any longer, so they sold the cloth house and took the post with Master Chen."

The dead are the greatest, he does not comment on right and wrong, but poor people have hateful things, this is unavoidable.

Jiang Wenxue's reputation has become so rotten, that girl still stubbornly believes that the surname Jiang is a good person, and she deceives herself, who is to blame?

Hearing what happened to the Chen family, Bai Ningxiang sighed uncontrollably. She avoided Jiang Wenxue in this life. She never thought that there would be girls as stupid as her. Regardless of whether God knows or not, Jiang Wenxue finally got his retribution.

"Okay, let's not mention that bad thing, is the girl starting to make kung fu black tea next? I'll order a thousand catties first."

Kungfu black tea has been recognized by those wives, and the sales volume has been good. In fact, it's not that the tea masters in his family have never tried it, but unfortunately they all failed.

Therefore, before that, they still need to order Baijia's Gongfu black tea.

"According to the old rules, my family's tea garden will also pick tea greens and send them over. According to your request, we will pick two stubbles."

"Then it's a happy cooperation." The Zhao family's tea garden is quite old, and the trees are not young. The quality of the tea is guaranteed, and she will naturally not refuse.

With money to collect, Bai Ningxiang's gloomy mood finally improved a bit.

She is the first to order Kung Fu black tea, so naturally she has to make a lot of it. Since the birth of black tea, the money in her account has increased a lot.

Therefore, taking advantage of the tight supply in the past two years, she has to hurry up and earn money.

After a brief adjustment, the Bai family has entered a busy period again.

Picking, fine-tuning, kneading, fermentation, drying...all made by the little man and his uncle.

On her side, she was very busy, but looking at the Shen family, they were flying around.

In the Tang room of the Shen family, the old Shen sat cross-legged on the Arhat bed, staring angrily at the daughter in front of him.

"When you get to this point, what's the use of you making trouble with me? Let's live a good life, but if you insist on being a monster, you'll be fine now. You can't even go home because you're being pinched by your own daughter. Mess with me?"

She's really mad at her, she's making noise after not listening to her for several months, and her old life is about to be confessed.

Shen's eyes were red, she didn't expect that Sister Xiang would be so cruel this time, letting her live in her mother's house for several months without even a greeting.

She couldn't bear it anymore, and sent several groups of people to remind Sister Xiang, even if she didn't come to pick her up in person, she could barely accept it by sending a personal girl to pick her up... After a few times of tossing, there was no reply.

She is an elder and a mother, if she goes back disheartened, her face will be completely lost.

(End of this chapter)

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