Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 859 Be My Backer

Chapter 859 Be My Backer

No wonder pork is so delicious, it turns out that it takes a lot of effort to raise it.

The more he thought about Zhou Yi, the more he dared not be careless.

In order for Zhou Yi and his wife to get used to it, Bai Ningxiang stayed for another day and accompanied them to prepare the ingredients, making sure they were correct before heading home.

Ding Yang and Yun Ni followed from the beginning to the end. Seeing the girl doing everything by herself, they sighed in their hearts but couldn't help admiring that the girl knew a lot.

"Girl, this is the first time I've seen a pig farm that can do this. As long as it's cleaned up all the time, the smell won't be that bad at all."

Yun Ni rested her chin, watched the girl doze off on the soft cushion, and couldn't help sighing.

"We have invested a lot, so it is easy to feed. We have distiller's grains and coarse grains for supply. After the Chinese New Year, this batch of piglets will definitely be ready for slaughter. In October, we will buy another batch, and it is just right to sell them in the Mid-Autumn Festival next year."

These things have to be recorded later, and handed over to my little aunt, so that she can follow them.

"Ahem...Girl, we invested so much, and the price of pork is the same, what if we lose money?"

It's coarse grains and distiller's grains, she looked mysterious.

"How can it be possible to lose money? Distiller's grains are waste. If you don't feed pigs, you have to use them as fertilizer. As for coarse grains, you don't need much. If you feed enough food, you can go to the slaughterhouse in a year. The adult pigs of two to three hundred catties are usually raised in a family. There is no one that cannot be raised for two years."

Besides, her distiller's grains are a good thing, guaranteed to fatten up the piglets.

Back home, after Bai Ningxiang washed up, she played with brother Xing for a while before going to her little aunt and telling her about the pig farm and wine shop.

Bai Huixia listened to her niece's narration, and quickly accepted it after being shocked.

"You girl, you really can't be idle, but don't worry, my aunt will take care of you."

A liquor store and a pig farm for a while, her niece is really capable of tossing around.

"Well, if I can't come back during the Chinese New Year, my little aunt will directly order Bai Wu to sit in the town, contact the pork shop in Ba County, or spread the news about our pig raising, and attract people to come to order. You can do it Discuss with the little man, that girl has a lot of ideas."

Bai Huixia listened carefully to Bai Ningxiang's explanation, and then couldn't help worrying, "Qingdu is a long way away, aren't you going to take Baiwu there?"

"Let him guard at home. I'm not here. If Bai Wu also goes with me, I'm afraid my little aunt won't be able to handle it alone." Although there are Da Hai Da He and others, once they get busy, they are not as courageous as Bai Wu.

Their family was already top-notch in the village, and people would have been jealous for a long time. If there were no strong people guarding them, my little aunt would not be able to deal with them if they had a wrong mind.

Listening to her niece's arrangement, Bai Huixia exhaled silently, and the pressure in her heart suddenly eased a lot.

"Auntie is a worthless person and can't help you with anything."

"What did little aunt say? You help me guard the tea factory, my little uncle has become a tea maker, and I will have to rely on you to support me in the future."

Bai Ningxiang held her little aunt's arm. She knew that her little aunt had no confidence, and there was nothing she could do about it. She had encountered too many things since she was a child, and her inferiority complex was greater than her self-confidence.

"Cousin, don't worry, my younger brother and I will help you. My younger brother said a while ago that he will give it a try in the next year and try to get into the exam as soon as possible to support my cousin."

Qiao'er was wearing a light yellow dress, and came over with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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