Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 860 I want to strike

Chapter 860 I want to strike
"Really, cousin Lesheng is working so hard, so I'll just wait. When he passes the exam, I'll be my cousin's backer."

Thinking of Le Sheng's appearance like a little adult, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help thinking about Le Sheng.

When mentioning her son, Bai Huixia's face showed a rare pride,
"Le Sheng is really hardworking in his studies. He gets up to study at Mao every day, and goes to bed at Hai. He never stops. Master Zheng praised him as a hardworking boy."

"It's true, that guy didn't forget to memorize even when he was squatting in the latrine..."

Before Qiaoer could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Bai Huixia, "How old are you, and you are still so unruly... Is this kind of thing a girl can say?"

"All right, all right, let me be more polite. My brother was still reciting the head office when he was born." After Qiao'er finished speaking, she stuck out her tongue at her mother and jumped three feet away.

Bai Huixia: "..."

This dead girl can't stay far away from the latrine.


Bai Ningxiang watched the mother and son fight, one couldn't help but burst out laughing.

My aunt really took care of teaching Qiao'er.

Seeing her daughter run away, Bai Huixia turned her head, "Ahem...Xiangxiang, your second uncle is here to find me."

"Why is he looking for you?" Could it be Lu Feng'er acting as a demon again?

"During the delivery of tea greens these days, he hesitated to speak many times, but I ignored him. What he said yesterday was vague, and I didn't quite understand it. Later, I thought, he should want to clear up the suspicion."

"He said that girls who marry into a wealthy family will have a better life with the support of their mother's family, otherwise they will be despised."

Speaking of these, Bai Huixia had a slight mockery in her eyes.

Listening to the little aunt's explanation, Bai Ningxiang laughed directly,
"If something happens to me, my little aunt thinks that my second uncle and third uncle can help me settle it? At that time, maybe how will I get rid of it... Not to mention, they are really thick-skinned, look I'm engaged to my brother-in-law, and I want to build a relationship. If I lived by them, I would have been planted in the ditch."

Bai Huixia shook her head, she had heard about what the two families had done to Xiangxiang, and now that they are coming here, they really look ugly.

"Xiangxiang, don't worry, I don't pay attention to it, and I will guard against them in the future."

The careful thinking of the second and third uncles is really nothing to be afraid of, they are all stern and soft-hearted, with Bai Wu in charge, they dare not make any small moves.

"They are courageous and calculating. Little aunt is right to be vigilant. Now that she has reached this point, it is futile to show her intimacy. Fortunately, grandma has understood and will naturally restrain them."

After the aunt and nephew went about their housework for a while, Bai Ningxiang went back to her yard, calmed down and went through the things of the past few days, and went to bed when she felt that there was nothing missing.

Two days later, Bai Ningxiang received another letter from her brother-in-law.

The letter said that he was in Baxian County, dealing with some matters, and he would return within three to five days.

"Yun Ni clean up, let's go to the county, prepare good Kung Fu black tea for Aunt Ping, and send the black tea customized by Zhao's family over by the way."

Bai Ningxiang pinched the letterhead, the corners of her lips curled up, and in a blink of an eye, she and her brother-in-law hadn't seen each other for half a year.

Anyway, I always go to see the decoration of the store, and I don't go there too often.

When the little man came back from the tea garden in a hurry, there was no sign of Bai Ningxiang.

"Ah, boss is really too much, I want to protest, I want to strike..."

Seeing his daughter-in-law's irritable appearance, Dahai shook his head helplessly, walked over and hugged her in his arms, and patted her on the back comfortingly.

(End of this chapter)

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