Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 900 Cooperation 1

Chapter 900 Cooperation

After the man in black left, someone standing on the treetop finally moved.

Feiran rubbed his chin, staring secretly at their every move. When the night wind came, his red robe fluttered with the wind, adding a touch of weirdness to the night.

Seeing those people preparing materials for setting fire, Fei Ran lightly fell into the yard.

Ding Yang flashed out with his sword in his arms, "He wants to do it all at once, so we can't take care of it even if we don't want to."

"Miss Ding Yang is right. If they succeed, we will be ashes at dawn tomorrow."

Feiran did not know where to find a dagger, held it in his hand and played with it, his tone was calm, not worried at all.

"It's just a bunch of useless things." With this low-handed method, the only thing that can be proved is incompetence.

"Let's split up and arrest the person first."

Ding Yang held the long sword in his hand, and the tea leaves they transported were stored in the backyard, and there was no spark in sight.

She knows how precious this batch of goods is, and she knows better than anyone else, so no matter what, she will not let the other party succeed.

"Miss Ding Yang, don't worry, you need evidence to arrest someone, otherwise it won't be convincing." Fei Ran shook her head, this girl is too impatient.

"Evidence? Don't we wait for them to set fire to arrest people? This house is attached to the house. Once it burns, not to mention us, even the people in the town will suffer.

"Miss Ding Yang misunderstood, so of course we can't let them do it, but let them prepare the crime tools first... Fortunately, their target is the Zuo family in the front room, so we have enough time to prepare."

Feiran knew what Ding Yang was worried about, so he escorted the tea all the way to Qingdu, if something happened under his nose, he would feel very sorry.

"How do you want to arrange it?" Listening to his explanation, Ding Yang's heart moved, and he looked at Feiran cautiously.

"Send someone to the guest room to inform Zuo's family that we will cooperate to defend against the enemy, and they won't be able to hide anyway. When the other party is ready, we will get the stolen goods together. Wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone?"

At that time, it is not up to them to decide whether to kill or cut.

"I have to ask my girl for instructions." Ding Yang didn't refuse, nor did he agree, he turned and went into the guest room. It's better to let the girl decide on such a big matter.

Bai Ningxiang had just fallen asleep for a while when she was woken up by Ding Yang, listening to her narration, the remaining bit of confusion disappeared.

Burn it?
Dare to use such indecent tricks, it seems that the other party is not a well-behaved person.

I didn't want to be nosy at first, but now I can't.

"Insane and inhuman... The people in the town are not their enemies. In this hot weather, the weather is dry and irritable. A little spark may cause disaster. The wolf-hearted thing dares to pour tung oil on it."

Yun Ni lifted the leg of the table angrily, and cursed in a low voice through gritted teeth.

Whether it is seeking revenge or making grudges, such people should be killed without mercy if they do not take human life seriously.

"Yun Ni, calm down, Ding Yang, you go and explain to Dazhou, let the brothers be vigilant, and don't destroy our tea."

Bai Ningxiang quickly put on her clothes, looked at Xia Xue and Bai Cha who looked worried, "You two stay in the room, don't take a step out of the room without my permission."

"Miss, don't worry, the servant girl won't cause trouble for you." Xia Xue nodded, reached out to hold Bai Cha's hand, with a serious face.

(End of this chapter)

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