Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 901 The person who saves you

Chapter 901 The person who saves you

After explaining to the people around her, Bai Ningxiang took Yun Ni to the front guest room.

"Girl, seeing how the Zuo family is on guard, they don't necessarily believe us."

Yun Ni stayed by the girl's side, always vigilant about the movement around her, it was really bad, if I knew it, I might as well sleep in the countryside.

"If they want to die, no one can stop them, it's fate, let's see." Bai Ningxiang rubbed the jade ring on her ring finger, and said lightly.

"Knock on the door."

knock knock knock

"Save your people."

"……What's the meaning?"

Following the slight sound of weapons rubbing against each other, Yun Ni couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"So many of you are hiding in there, do you really want to be set ablaze?" After all, you have also experienced a fight, why you don't have any strategy at all, you really think you'll be fine if you hide.

After Yun Ni finished speaking, the room fell into silence.

Bai Ningxiang took a step closer, and said in a cold voice, "Those people outside want to take all of you away. Originally, we didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but the other party didn't follow the rules and wanted to set fire to the inn. As a last resort, I can only say, believe it or not you."


The people in the room are still weighing the authenticity of the matter. At such an anxious moment, it feels like a long time to wait for a single cent.

To be honest, Bai Ningxiang is not afraid of those men in black, she is only worried about the tea leaves in the backyard, if they are contaminated by fireworks, the quality of the tea leaves will be affected, and the price will be directly affected at that time.

The enemy has already attacked the door of the house, how can she have too much time for the other party to think about it, and not to say a word, otherwise, don't blame her for not saving her life.

"Why, there are so many of you, are you afraid that our two girls will not be able to trick you?"

There was an undisguised mocking sound, and the room was silent for a while before opening the door.

The first thing that appeared was the butler that he saw at night. He was holding a big knife in his hand, and looked at Bai Ningxiang's master and servant with a defensive face.

"How do you know someone is going to burn down the inn?"

"Tch, of course I heard about it, why don't we sleep well, eat enough and run to pollute your troubles?"

The fire is imminent, Yun Ni is naturally not polite.

Seeing the mockery in Yun Ni's eyes, the man froze for a moment, and before he could speak, another middle-aged uncle in his 40s and [-]s walked out of the room.

"What do the two girls want us to do?" Those people outside came for them, so naturally they couldn't stand by and watch.

"Finally someone who understands."

Yun Ni snorted, and narrated what happened in the corner of the wall again.

"There are about a dozen people on the other side. They originally wanted to sneak attack you, but then they thought of setting fire because they were afraid that they were not sure. We have a lot of goods in the backyard, so we have to take care of them. So, let's join forces and take them down together. As for how? Deal with it, catch the person and talk about it."

"Thank you for the reminder, Miss Zuo Daojin, and there are more than ten guards in his hands, all at the lady's disposal."

Zuo Daojin cupped his hands and bowed. When he was dining in the hall today, he discovered these people and inquired about them privately, and indeed they delivered a lot of goods.

"It's not about dispatching. As soon as the midnight arrives, those people should make a move. You lie in ambush in the front yard, and our people guard the back yard. When you see one, catch one, and kill those who resist to death."

As Bai Ningxiang spoke, her calm tone became a little more serious,

"Although I don't know what's wrong with you, but tonight's matter is no longer a grudge between you."

(End of this chapter)

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