Chapter 904

"Thank you everyone for your rescue. The small family can rely on this inn for a living. If something happens, I won't be able to live." The shopkeeper's eyes were red, and he bowed gratefully.

After such an uproar, everyone lost their sleepiness, so they simply lit lanterns in the yard, set up tables, drank tea and chatted.

"Thank you for your help today, Miss and Young Master. The old man borrowed flowers to present Buddha, replaced wine with tea, thank you all for your help." Zuo Daojin stood up, picked up the teacup, bowed deeply to Bai Ningxiang and the others, and drank it with his head up .

"You're being polite, we're just helping ourselves."

Bai Ningxiang took a good look, and the man was leaning on the chair beside him, leisurely fiddling with the dagger in his hand, as if he had no intention of speaking.

"Excuse me, but judging by your bearing, you should have been an official in the past, right?"

Bai Ningxiang blinked, seeing Zuo Daojin's fleeting defense, picked up the teacup and took a sip, while hiding the smile on the corner of her mouth.

She just thought of it, so she wanted to blow it up, but she guessed it right.

Zuo Daojin sat on the chair, frowned, and was silent for a long time before he sighed faintly.

"The girl's guess is right. Zuo used to be a member of the officialdom. Due to some unavoidable reasons, he resigned and retired... I thought that after all these years, I should be fine. I was negligent, and my family was attacked one after another. Stealing and suffering heavy losses, I had no choice but to drag my family to hide, but it was a pity that I failed to do so.”

As Zuo Daojin said, he looked tired, and he didn't know what sad thing he thought of, his eyes were a little red, and the corners of his mouth trembled.

Seeing his father sad, Zuo Ben's eyes turned red. After experiencing so many adventures, the boy has grown up a lot, but he still couldn't hide his grief and indignation.

"It's those people who bully people too much. My father has resigned from office and still refuses to let go. He is pressing every step of the way..."

Before Zuo Ben could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Zuo Daojin waving his hand, "Zuo Ben, don't talk too much, go and see your mother, lest she worry about you."

"Father, I..."

"Go, your Uncle Wen has already found a doctor, and it should be about this time." Zuo Daojin glared at his son, and his tone was unquestionable.

"My family, Yun Ni, knows a little bit about medical principles, let her go and have a look, maybe she can help." Bai Ningxiang looked at Zuo Ben's unconvinced expression, and made a suggestion.

"Thank you so much, Zuo Ben, hurry up and lead Miss Yun Ni there, so as not to delay."

"Yes, dad." Zuo Ben lowered his head, reluctantly leading the people away.

Watching his son leave, Zuo Daojin sighed helplessly, "Oh, I'm the one who got them involved."

"A family complements each other, there is no such thing as a burden. Mr. Zuo loves his wife and children, which is really admirable." Bai Ningxiang refilled him with tea, and politely comforted him.

"Zuo is not a grown-up for a long time. If the girl doesn't dislike her, just call her Uncle Zuo."

Zuo Daojin looked at Bai Ningxiang and his party, and his tone became much more accommodating.

"Uncle Zuo is being polite."

"After tonight's incident, Uncle Zuo will not hide it from you. Our family may be doomed. Uncle Zuo knew that such a day would come, but my wife and children... well, Zuo feels guilty."

As Zuo Daojin said, he stretched out his hand to take a box from the guard, and pushed it in front of Bai Ningxiang, "This is tonight's thank you gift, please don't refuse, girl."

"As I said just now, for what happened tonight, we are also saving ourselves. Uncle Zuo's thank you gift, I cannot accept it."

(End of this chapter)

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