Chapter 905
After provoking enemies, she will definitely be hiding in hiding in the days to come, and she will only spend more and more places. How dare she extend her hand for this kind of money.

"It's not something valuable, the girl is going to refuse, otherwise, Uncle Zuo won't be able to speak the rest."

Hearing Zuo Daojin's tone, Bai Ningxiang turned her head and took a look at Feiran. This person was too leisurely, from the beginning to the end, he didn't say a word.

Isn't it too uninteresting to let her sing a solo show alone?

Receiving Bai Ningxiang's gaze, she raised her eyebrows, "Cough~, Master Zuo seems to be asking Gu?"

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

What did this man say?

Everyone is living a good life, so why ask for help?
"Ahem...don't mind Uncle Zuo, Feiran speaks straight and has no evil intentions." Bai Ningxiang glared at the culprit, and explained with a dry smile.

He shrugged his shoulders innocently, he was just telling the truth.

Zuo Daojin looked at the young man in front of him, and laughed, "It's okay, they are all people with true temperament, Uncle Zuo is too happy, why would he blame him?"

"Uncle Zuo has a broad mind, which the juniors can't match." Bai Ningxiang refills the tea, not knowing what to say.

For those who meet by chance, she has reached the limit of how polite she can be.

"Girl, in fact, Mr. Feiran is right. Uncle Zuo really has the intention of supporting the orphans. I have a son and a daughter in my life. You have seen Zuo Ben. There is also a daughter named Zuo Lan. Their siblings follow me I have been wandering all the way, and there has been no suitable place to stay, and now I am being targeted again, and I am afraid it will be difficult to escape."

Zuo Daojin said, his face was a little depressed, he hesitated for a while, then stood up suddenly,

"So, I want to take advantage of today's turmoil and entrust my two sons and daughters to the girl, and use your transport team as a cover to keep them away from danger... Zuo is very grateful."

As he spoke, he clasped his fists in both hands and bent down deeply, full of pleading.

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Are you really asking for help?
But they don't know each other?
Is this person too hasty?
Or is there a fraud in it?

Feiran looked at Bai Ningxiang's shocked expression, curled his lips and shook his head, saying that he still didn't believe it, and had to let others ask for it.

Seeing her anxious look, Feiran stroked the opal on the dagger and spoke.

"Master Zuo, we are neither relatives nor relatives, we only met once, isn't it too risky for you to do this?"

"Little brother, don't call me an adult anymore. Zuo doesn't want to hide it from you. It's really hard to hide something. Some things can't be said, otherwise it will only bring trouble to you."

Zuo Daojin clasped his fists together, "Not to mention anything else, just based on the two acts of righteousness today, Zuo believes in your character, and, for us, the more unfamiliar you are, the safer you are."

Bai Ningxiang: "... Even if Uncle Zuo is willing, your son may not be willing to leave you at this dangerous moment."

Although they only got together for more than an hour, Bai Ningxiang could tell that Zuo Ben was a hot-blooded young man, and it was impossible for him to leave his parents for his own safety.

"Please don't worry about this girl, Zuo has his own way." Zuo Daojin said, pushing the box towards Bai Ningxiang again, "This is a thank you gift, please don't refuse, girl."

Bai Ningxiang looked at Feiran with an undisguised inquiry in her eyes.

What should I do, talk quickly?

Feiran raised eyebrows, cold salad.

"Well, if Uncle Zuo can convince Zuo Ben, I'll take them away." Bai Ningxiang wanted to refuse at first, but she couldn't open her mouth anyhow.

(End of this chapter)

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