Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 907 Unsolved Cases

Chapter 907 Unsolved Cases
"After the news spread back to Qingdu, everyone complained one after another, saying that Mr. Yang embezzled the disaster relief money without permission, disregarding the lives of the people, this crime is unforgivable, and the nine clans should be punished..."

Zuo Daojin said, regret flashed in his eyes, the relief money was lost, one can imagine the scene of starvation everywhere in the northwest.

He and Mr. Yang have a good personal relationship, they have similar personalities, and they have exchanged letters for a long time. Unfortunately, when he received Mr. Yang's last letter, it became a farewell.

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

She once asked her brother-in-law about this matter, and although there were some discrepancies with the facts described by Uncle Zuo, the general meaning was the same, all money and food were gone.

If Bai Wu knew that someone still knew about the old case of the Yang family, he would be so happy.

Feiran stroked the teacup, and couldn't help but ask the question in his heart, "...With all due respect, disaster relief, water transportation, what does it have to do with you as a supervisor of Yanchi?"

Can't hit eight poles, okay?

Hearing Fei Ran's question, Bai Ningxiang was also taken aback, yes, the two are not related.

"Originally these things had nothing to do with me, the Yanchi supervisor, but at that time the imperial treasury was empty and there was no money for disaster relief, so they ordered the transfer of money from the Yanchi supervisor to the northwest. At that time, the old man was in charge of this matter..."

Bai Ningxiang looked at Feiran speechlessly,
This is simply a disaster.

"You handed over with Water Transport, and you don't lack witnesses and ledgers. Even if something happens, it can't be related to you, right?"

Feiran twitched the corner of his lower lip, he was the main undertaker, and he was not the only one doing the work, with so many people involved, there should be a series of convictions.

"Hey, that's the fault here. The Water Transport Superintendent who I handed over to me at that time died, and there is no proof of my death... Fortunately, there is a handover account book corresponding to it, and there is the seal of the Water Transport Supervisor. Finally, there is no influence."

"Later, I heard the news that Mr. Yang was robbed and killed halfway. Before the old man asked someone to find out, the Yang family's mansion was destroyed again... The continuous blows made the old man feel uneasy. He felt ashamed because of his poor health. , please resign to the monarch."

"I didn't expect that after so many years, the house was suddenly attacked, the study was stolen many times, and later it endangered the lives of the family members. There was no other way. No."

"This old man has never had a bad relationship in his life, nor has he had any personal grievances, except for the money he transferred when he was the supervisor of Yanchi..."

Mr. Yang's family was wiped out, and the cause of death of the Water Transport Supervisor is unknown, but those who interfered with the disaster relief funds did not end well, how could he be alone?
Bai Ningxiang: "So many people died back then, didn't the court investigate?"

"Why don't we investigate, but the more people are investigated, the more people die, but there is no clue of money or grain. The case of Mr. Yang has not been investigated, and several officials from the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Punishment have also died one after another."

"This matter has become an unsolved case, and it has also become a taboo for the monarch. The court's money is gone, the food is gone, and many officials have been killed and injured. The people complained and complained, and the tragedy is unspeakable."

"In the end, it was the imperial court that suffered the most. The monarch's prestige was gone. After half a year of investigations and found nothing, they ordered it to be sealed and set it as an unsolved case."

Fei Ran shook his head, "It's an unsolved case, and it's been so many years, why is it being brought up again?"

"This is also where the old man is puzzled. However, the study room at home has been stolen many times, but nothing valuable has been lost... The old man guesses that the other party must be looking for something."

(End of this chapter)

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