Chapter 908

As Zuo Daojin spoke, he sighed, his whole body was filled with a sense of powerlessness, the sky was going to destroy his Zuo family, and with his own strength, it would be difficult to resist.

Bai Ningxiang and Feiran looked at each other, and couldn't help thinking.

If she guessed right, there should be Bai Wu's handwriting in it.

How should I put it, last year he was active in Qingdu, tried every means to clear his father's grievances, and contacted many people in private.

Bai Wu also said that it was not that the old case could not be investigated clearly, but that there were too many people obstructing it, so it was classified as an unsolved case as a last resort.

However, the suspicion of Si Nongqing's embezzlement of official money and loss of food was not cleared in the end, and he was still guilty of dereliction of duty.

"Uncle Zuo means that all the officials involved in the incident had accidents, and you were the only one who resigned and retired?"

"Indeed," Zuo Daojin nodded, and his life might be turned upside down.

Feiran looked at his resigned expression, and raised his eyes, "Does Uncle Zuo have anything to save his life?"

Zuo Daojin: "..."

Bai Ningxiang looked at Feiran speechlessly, asking such a blatant question, who would tell him?

Feiran stroked the cup, feeling nothing wrong at all, "I'm serious, if Uncle Zuo didn't have something to save his life, the other party wouldn't still be relentless after so many years."

It is not known why he was not approached at the time, but now that he is approached, someone might bring up the unsolved case back then.

Otherwise, no one would be idle and make trouble for themselves, especially those old foxes in the officialdom.

Hearing Fei Ran's tone, Zuo Daojin's heart moved, he was in the officialdom, and he was not a young man who was not indifferent to world affairs, so he naturally understood Fei Ran's meaning.

"I understand what the little brother said. Ten years have passed since this incident, and the account books from that year have long been sealed by the Ministry of Criminal Justice. As for the rest, I really don't know... the only evidence that can be counted is the old man himself. "

After laughing at himself, Zuo Daojin paused, the other party should want his life, after all he was the only surviving participant back then.

Hearing Zuo Daojin's self-mockery, Fei Ran was also taken aback, raised his eyes to look at him, and did not deny that there is indeed such a possibility.

Bai Ningxiang picked up the teacup, and took advantage of the opportunity to hide the strange look in her eyes, knowing the whole story, she couldn't help her.

"Uncle Zuo doesn't need to be discouraged, he has come up with a solution, as long as he is a good person."

"Thank you for your comfort, will be light soon, this old man will go to the front yard to see how my wife's injuries are, and I'll talk later."

Zuo Daojin said, got up and left, he could see that the outstanding young man next to him didn't seem to want to get into trouble.

Looking at Zuo Daojin's slightly hunched back, Bai Ningxiang shook her head, "Fei Ran, haven't you just established the Swallows Gate? When you officially establish your reputation, do you want to participate?"

"Oh? How do you say it?" Fei Ran raised his eyebrows, he found out just now that this girl really wanted to meddle in this business.

"The Zuo family has a lot to do with the case of embezzlement of Mexico's disaster relief funds ten years ago. You protect the hostages. When the case is cleared, your reputation as the Swallow Sect will also grow."

"Heh~, girl, don't fool me. If I want to make a name for the Swallow Gate, there are many ways to protect a down-and-out retired official?"

Feiran smiled softly, looking at Bai Ningxiang with undisguised teasing.

The little girl wanted to plot against him, what a treat.

Besides, he doesn't like making friends with people in the officialdom very much, it's too troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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