Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 909 The yamen has arrived

Chapter 909 The yamen has arrived
Being stared at by Feiran like this, Bai Ningxiang looked embarrassed, "This sounds like a big case, if it is done, won't it have a better reputation?"

"Girl, what's your plan, you might as well just say it out, if you can impress me, you can think about it."

Feiran leaned on the chair, stroking the white porcelain cup, with a hint of interest in his tone, at least he followed all the way, eating and drinking without using his hands, it was considered as a favor to her.

Bai Ningxiang looked at her, how could this person be a monkey? Didn't he say that Jianghu people are so cool?
The brain turns fast.

It's a pity that before she could speak, Zuo Ben came out from the side, "Thank you for your kindness. No matter what my father plans, I will not leave. The disaster is imminent. As a child, how can I abandon my parents?"

Zuo Ben walked up to the two of them, with a scimitar on his waist, and bowed to salute.

Seeing the person who appeared suddenly, Bai Ningxiang glanced at Yun Ni before speaking, "Your father wanted to save some blood for the Zuo family just because your family was killed. Don't you have the heart to reject his expectation?"

"...I will try my best to protect my family. Of course it is best to be alive. If it is not possible, I have no face to live alone in the world."

When Zuo Ben said this, he thought of the elder sister who was guarding his mother, hesitation flashed across his face,
"If the girl doesn't dislike it, you can take my eldest sister away. I see that there are many girls around you, and one more person will not be conspicuous."

"Heh~, boy, you have backbone."

Feiran looked at him, with admiration flashing in his eyes, after going through so many things, he didn't feel decadent or afraid, which shows that his heart is strong enough.

"Thank you for your compliment, my lord. Anyway, I will not abandon my family to live alone." After Zuo Ben finished speaking, he bowed and turned to leave.

"Girl, Mrs. Zuo's injury has been delayed for too long. I'm afraid the situation is not good." She agrees with the doctor that Mrs. Zuo can delay for a day at most, and she doesn't want to drag her family down, the situation will only get worse.

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Although there are many injustices in the world, when we actually encounter them, we can't help but panic.

After dawn, the people from the government office were invited by the shopkeeper early in the morning.

He narrated the matter tremblingly, the officials sealed off the entire inn, checked back and forth, and saw the piled up fuel wood and men in black, it was indeed as the shopkeeper said.

"The daring thief actually committed crimes in the area under our jurisdiction. Come on, bring me back, throw him into the prison, and torture him severely."

The yamen servant held his saber with a cold expression on his face, and then saw Bai Ningxiang and Zuo Daojin and his party.

"You caught the thief?" His tone was cold and stern, with scrutiny in his eyes.

"That's right. We stayed in an inn, and we never expected to encounter such an indiscriminate disaster. If we hadn't discovered it in time, not to mention this inn, even the entire town would have been affected a lot. Yamen servant, don't you think so?"

Before Bai Ningxiang could speak, Yun Ni took a step forward with a smile on her lips and cold eyes.

Meow, blind boy, they are the ones who do good deeds.

"Presumptuous, are you in charge?"

The yamen servant looked at Yun Ni, saw that it was a girl, his face turned cold, and the sword clanged, trying to intimidate her, but Yun Ni only rolled his eyes.

Before the yamen servant got angry and questioned, suddenly a person rushed out from the guest room, crying heart-piercingly, "Father, mother is not well, mother can't talk anymore."

Before everyone could walk over, they heard mournful roars from inside the house.

"Mom, you can't leave us behind."

Everyone stopped and stood in the corridor silently. When people left, the dead were the greatest, and even the officials were discouraged.

(End of this chapter)

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