Chapter 910
They are just a small town here, and the chance of a homicide case is too low. When they suddenly heard that someone died, the yamen servant was a little dumbfounded. The arrogance that he pretended to be arrogant just now deflated like a deflated balloon. down.

"Boss, what should we do?" One of the yamen servants held a saber, looking a little scared.

"What are you panicking about? It's a matter of life and death. Naturally, you have to take him back to the Yamen and let the mayor personally try it."

These little guys like them dare not make a decision on such a big matter.

Except for those who stayed behind to arrange Mrs. Zuo's offspring, the rest were taken to the town hall.

When something like this happened, the trip of Bai Ningxiang and his party was also delayed.

The town office followed the rules, Bai Ningxiang and Zuo Daojin only had to state the facts, there was no shortage of witnesses and material evidence, and the mayor was also having a headache, before he could report to his superiors, all the men in black in the prison were dead.

After an autopsy, all of them committed suicide by taking poison.

The mayor has one head and two big heads, and he always feels that he has a big problem.

Seeing Feiran's and Zuo Daojin's eyes are not right, he has been the mayor of the town for more than ten years, this is the first time he has encountered such a big homicide case.

There was a priority, and Bai Ningxiang stayed in the town for three days, helping Mrs. Zuo to bury her.

Afterwards, Bai Ningxiang asked people to inspect the goods and prepared to leave. At first, the mayor disagreed, saying that the case could not be investigated clearly and no one was allowed to leave.

Zuo Daojin saw that Fei Ran and these people began to look bad, so he took the initiative to stand up and bear everything, willing to stay and wait for the results of the investigation.

The mayor was afraid of taking responsibility, so he still refused to let him go. That night, when he was sleeping with his concubine in his arms, he turned over and found a person sitting beside the bed. He didn't know what they were talking about. Early the next morning, Get a release order from the mayor.

"Have you made up your mind? Do you want to come with me?" Bai Ningxiang looked at Zuo Daojin's family and asked one last question.

"Thank you girl, we will stay with father."

Zuo Ben's eyes were bloodshot, full of hatred, even Zuo Lan beside him, although his face was pale, his eyes were still firm.

"Thank you, Miss Bai. Father said you were good people. Zuo Lan thanked the girl for her kindness on behalf of her father's deceased mother. I discussed it with my younger brother. Before my mother's first seven days, she will not go anywhere."

Zuo Lanfu saluted, and the moment he lowered his head, tears were streaming down his face.

"Hey, since you guys don't want to leave, I won't force you. Take care."

Zuo Daojin looked at the pair of children, both relieved and helpless, he shook his head again and again, "Oh, the deceased is gone, why are you bothering?"

"Father, there is no need to persuade us, our family will never be separated." Zuo Ben clenched his fists, his tone extremely firm.

Feiran rubbed the opal on the whip in his hand, and raised his eyebrows, "Boy, you are ambitious, but you are still a little young and energetic. Do you want to accept my suggestion and ensure that your lives are safe?"

"No need, life and death depend on fate, wealth and honor, I am not afraid of death." Zuo Ben raised his head, Madam Zuo's death hit him too hard, and his temper was very stubborn.

"Cough, of course you don't care, but don't you still have your father and sister? You don't care about their lives?"

Feiran said, looking at his blushing face, touching the corner of his lower lip.

Zuo Ben hesitated, looking at his father's gray hair and his sister's delicate body, he closed his eyes and fell silent.

"...Okay, I agree to your terms." Isn't that just selling yourself to him for ten years?
(End of this chapter)

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