Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 911 Always want to breathe fragrance

Chapter 911 Always want to breathe fragrance

He is not even afraid of death, why is he afraid of this?
"Very well, from now on you just have to deal with your own affairs, and leave the rest to my people." Feiran stared at Zuo Ben with joy in his eyes, and Bai Ningxiang was very puzzled, why did this guy suddenly change his nature? , The day before yesterday I suggested him to help but I kept refusing to come, how did it change in the blink of an eye?
Sure enough, the two must have reached some ulterior agreement.

It wasn't until she walked out of the town that Bai Ningxiang lifted the curtain of the car and looked at Feiran outside.

"What did you accomplish?"

"It's nothing. I promise to protect Zuo's family, but the condition is that Zuo Ben sells himself to me for ten years?"

"Ahem... prostitution?" Bai Ningxiang's eyes widened, and she said that this guy had bad intentions, so he was waiting here.

"Miss Bai, what is that look in your eyes? I like the tenacity on Zuo himself, which is just right for me to enter my swallow's door." Fei Ran shook his small whip, he was not taking advantage of the fire.

There is a saying that goes well, those who know current affairs are heroes, compared with life, the rest are nothing at all?
Looking at Fei Ran's demeanor, Bai Ningxiang has nothing to say, but with the protection of the Yanzimen, the lives of the Zuo family should be safe, right?

The next itinerary was much smoother. The closer they were to Qingdu, the busier the road was. Ten days later, the group of them arrived in Dingzhou, which is the closest state capital to Qingdu.

Bai Ningxiang decided to take a good rest here for a day.

Queuing to enter and exit the city gate, Bai Ningxiang opened the curtain and glanced at the bustling street. As expected of the state capital closest to Qingdu, it was very lively.

Looking at the endless stream of people, Bai Ningxiang sighed, the people here obviously dress more carefully than those in other places, and you can see elegant scholars waving folding fans everywhere.

From time to time, the wives and sisters of some wealthy families can be seen wearing silk, and servants enter some shops in groups.

"That's all the life in the state capital under the prosperity and prosperity."

Bai Ningxiang lowered the car curtain and asked Ding Yang to find a big inn to live in. They had a lot of people and goods, so they booked a courtyard as usual.

After working hard all the way, Bai Ningxiang soaked in a flower petal bath comfortably. Of course, the dried peach blossoms were also brought by Xia Xue.

Bai Ningxiang leaned against the head of the bed, asked Xia Xue to wring out her hair, simply tied it into a bun, put the white jade hairpin on it, and wore a light blue uniform.

"Let's go, I finally rested my feet, let's go out to eat, Dingzhou is also a prosperous state capital, and it is also the number one in Daqing."

Bai Ningxiang had a red knot on her wrist, and a small Jade Buddha was hanging down, just holding it in her hand to play with. As soon as she left the guest room, she saw Fei Ran waiting at the door.

"Let's go together."

Seeing Bai Ningxiang's elegant attire, Fei Ran's eyes lit up, "Sure enough, people depend on their clothes and horses depend on their saddles. This way of tidying up really adds a bit of color."

Hearing Fei Ran's evaluation, Bai Ningxiang patted Yun Ni, who was always in battle, so as not to let her breath out.

"Thank you, Mr. Feiran, for your appreciation. Compared to your unparalleled beauty, I really can't match it."

I'm used to seeing Yixiong's celestial appearance, but looking at it again, it's not so amazing.It's not that he's not good-looking, but that his style is different. How should I put it, Yixiong exudes a masculine temperament, just like the sun, which makes people feel warm and at ease.

And this guy Feiran has a naughty personality, narrow and long eyes, with slanted eyes, sometimes lazy, sometimes like a fox, making you always on guard.

(End of this chapter)

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