Chapter 913

Hearing Xiaoer's introduction, Bai Ningxiang's heart skipped a beat, Goat kid?
This is Yoshi's favorite dish.

She hurried this way, and didn't even meet the shadow of her righteous brother. It seemed that their previous worries were superfluous, and those people didn't do anything at all.

If he had known it earlier, he would have been with his brother-in-law, so he wouldn't have faced this weird person Fei Ran every day, waking her up all the time, for fear of being plotted against.

"Yes, give us a roast suckling pig, a roast whole lamb, and the rest with some vegetables and fruits, just to relieve the tiredness."

When Xiao Er heard Bai Ningxiang's order, he was happy, but hesitant, "Cough...Guests, you order so much, I'm afraid you won't be able to finish it all."

"Don't worry, if we can't finish eating, we will take it away." There are still people staying at the inn, not to mention a roast suckling pig, as far as those youngsters, there are no bones left that can swallow three.

"Alright, I'll prepare it for you right away." Xiao Er happily turned around and left. Bai Ningxiang sat at the table, leaning over to look at the crowd on the street, feeling extremely relaxed.

"Miss Bai is really a good opponent." Fei Ran looked at Bai Ningxiang, but there was no hint of teasing in her tone this time.

He followed the whole journey, from the girls to the transportation team below, especially when it comes to food, this girl has never been stingy.

I have to say that she is indeed a qualified leader.

Hearing Fei Ran's tone, Bai Ningxiang glanced at him, "By the way, after arriving in Qingdu, shouldn't we part ways?"

This person ate and drank all the way, acting like it was a matter of course. Fortunately, he also helped out when something happened, which was not a loss. Thinking of the friendship between him and his righteous brother in the previous life, Bai Ningxiang endured him and released enough goodwill.

As long as you are not stupid, you should feel it.

"What? Miss Bai is impatient to drive me away?" Fei Ran stared at Bai Ningxiang, this woman could cross the river and destroy the bridge with one hand.

"You don't need to bury me. Didn't you come here to celebrate? You didn't say anything along the way, so naturally it's kept secret, so you need me to remind you?" Bai Ningxiang gave him a supercilious look, pretending to be a good boy even if he got a bargain.

Great joy, is it because he kept it a secret?

"It's not impossible to say, it's not a big deal, I'm too lazy to mention it." Feiran coughed lightly, and waved his hands nonchalantly.

An order was handed to Yanzimen, and he just came to see if it was worth picking up.

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Just say that this girl is as cunning as a fox, and she really didn't wrong him.

After burning incense, two waiters carried a large tray into the private room.

Bai Ningxiang looked at the neatly stacked pork on the tray. The color was golden and crispy. Although it was cut into pieces, it still looked like a pig, and there was nothing missing.

"Guests take it lightly, eat the original flavor of burnt and crispy, with sauce on the side, it is our master chef's exclusive secret recipe. Roasting the whole lamb will take a while, and the little one will leave."

Yun Ni watched Xiao Er retreat to the door, followed immediately, took out a dime and threw it to him, "Brother, can I inquire about something?"

"Girl, please tell me, the little one must know everything and talk about everything." As the sophomore of Juxian Building, the news he hears every day is the most enthusiastic. With this alone, he can receive a lot of tips every month.

This has become an unwritten rule of Juxian Building. As long as guests inquire about tips, Juxian Building will only take [-]% of the tip, and the rest will be theirs.

But the premise is that you can't conceal the report. Once you find out, you will be fired.

(End of this chapter)

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