Chapter 914 Fat girl

It was originally an extra income, even if [-]% was taken away by the restaurant, they didn't complain at all, after all, they took the big money.

"Let me ask you, in the past few days, have you seen officers and soldiers escorting prisoners passing by our Dingzhou?" Yun Ni asked curiously, leaning on the doorpost beside her.

"Officers and soldiers escorted the prisoner?" Xiaoer squeezed the money in his hand, tried to recall, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Yes, but that was all three days ago."

"Never mind a few days ago, are you sure there are prisoners passing by? How many prison cars?" Yun Ni looked at Xiao Er, raised her hand and threw him another dime.

"Hehe... Thank you for the reward, girl. You are asking the right person today. At that time, I was a little rest, so I ran to see it deliberately. There were two women in the five-liang prison car, with disheveled hair, and they looked very pitiful."

Xiao Er said, shaking his head regretfully, thinking of the general who led the team, his face suddenly became excited.

"Besides, I saw General Han, the God of War of our Daqing Kingdom. The girl was not there at the time. The general was really majestic. He was wearing black armor, shiny and shiny... It's a pity that he had a mask on his face, so he couldn't see the general. What does the general look like?"

Hearing Xiao Er's regretful tone, Yun Ni was taken aback, the young master is wearing a mask?

After getting the news she wanted, Yun Ni went back directly to the private room. At this time, Xia Xue and Bai Cha had already set up a table with half of the roast suckling pig on it. Besides the dipping sauce, there were also several vegetarian dishes.

"Sister Yun Ni, try it quickly, I'll be waiting for you." Xia Xue set up the dishes for her, and helped her pick up fat and thin pieces of meat and put them on the plate.

"You girl, you are really diligent, we are all the same, sit down and eat together." Yun Ni accepted Xia Xue's kindness, squinted her eyes and chewed again and again, "Well, it's delicious and fragrant."

Bai Ningxiang and Feiran sat opposite each other, the roast suckling pig was dipped in the sauce and paired with fruit wine, it was delicious in the world.

"Miss Bai, I respect you. We've been getting along happily all the way. When we arrive in Qingdu, we'll each get busy. I'm afraid we won't see each other in a while."

Feiran raised his wine glass and gestured to Bai Ningxiang.

"You're right. I have so many goods, and I have to tidy them up for a while. I invite you for today's meal. I wish you all the best in Qingdu."

Bai Ningxiang then raised her glass to signal, she drank a glass of fruit wine in one gulp.

"By the way, where is your property in Qingdu? If I have time to visit you, it's not in vain for us to get acquainted." Feiran looked at her, raised his brows, with indescribable charm.

"Yipin Ganquan tea shop, young master is welcome to come and join us at any time." Bai Ningxiang twitched the corners of her lips, this flirtatious man never forgot to open his peacock.

So what if you drive it again, it looks like a fool, and it's not as good-looking as the righteous brother.

"Dear guest, the roast whole lamb is ready."

Following Xiao Er's voice, the door of the private room was opened, and the two walked in with a big disc, and put the burnt roast lamb in front of them.

Like the roast suckling pig, it is cut and placed in a shape.

Bai Ningxiang looked at Feiran, "Try it quickly and see which tastes better."

As she said that, Bai Ningxiang picked up a piece of ribs and placed it in front of her. When eating grilled lamb chops, it was more down-to-earth with her hands.

"Not bad, burnt, fragrant, tender, standard three-year-old lamb."

"Know how to eat, it's on par with my little boy."

"Who is the boy?"

"A sister of mine."

"Girl? Are you fat?" Hearing Bai Ningxiang's tone, a plump girl suddenly appeared in Fei Ran's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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