Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 917 I'm so used to him

Chapter 917 I'm so used to him

Both of them are the young master's personal servants for the girl, and they are also guards and dead soldiers. They have no other choice but to be around the girl.

"Ding Yang's temper maidservant understands a little bit. If she is angry with Fei Ren, it is better to say that she is angry with herself."

"We can all see that Feiran is quite capable. None of us are rivals. In the end, the girl has to compromise in everything and be patient. The more polite the girl is to Feiran, the more we blame ourselves. It's all about the incompetence of the maidservants. That's why the girl bowed his head."

As Yun Ni said, her usual smiling expression disappeared. If the son knew that they were not even capable of protecting the girl, they might be thrown back to the training camp and remade.

Hearing the self-blame in Yun Ni's tone, Bai Ningxiang choked, she didn't expect that her politeness to Fei Ran would make her subordinates think otherwise.

She only thought of Feiran and her righteous brother being friends who cherished each other in her previous life. Now that she met first, she naturally couldn't offend him. If she could make friends in advance, when the two meet in the future, maybe they won't be inseparable. Nosebleed.

She really didn't think too much about other things, and she didn't realize how much she tolerated Feiran.

Perhaps at the beginning, she had a tentative heart and her tone was very modest. After slowly getting to know the other person's temper along the way, she didn't restrain her temper much.

Just rolling his eyes gave him a few.

Thinking about getting along along the way, although Fei Ran is a ruffian, occasionally a little bit cheap, and has a little convulsions from time to time, but most of them are lazy, sometimes they can fall asleep while riding a horse, or they will fall on the roof of their own car. sleep.

In addition, he is still very easy-going, at least he was the first to discover several warnings, even if the girls around him were unfriendly to him, that man never cared, and always had a smile on his face , although, sometimes the smile is fake.

Thinking of this, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help twitching the corners of her lips.

"You don't have to blame yourself, maybe I was too polite to him... In fact, I originally wanted to introduce him to Brother Yi. If such a capable person can form an alliance with Brother Yi, what if something happens to him in the future? Son, if someone helps him, it will get twice the result with half the effort, after all, the identity of the righteous brother is there, and many things cannot be done as one likes."

In case of being wronged one day, as a general, the God of War of the Daqing Kingdom, he can't give people the impression that he is calculating and narrow-minded, right?

Therefore, when a black hand is needed, it is better to let others do it for you.

Yun Ni looked at her girl in surprise, and then couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Girl, maidservant is worried for nothing. So you think so long-term... Not to mention, after listening to the girl's analysis, it is true that the young master is the god of war in the hearts of the people. It is really not good to destroy the image at will. If someone else comes forward, then It's different, as long as we don't have anything to do with the young master, we can watch the show with peace of mind, and feel happy just thinking about it."

"Wonderful, it's really wonderful."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Well, that's what she means.

At noon on the second day, they were thinking about finding a cool place to have lunch, and then they went straight on their way. But before they found a place to stop, Ding Yang reined in the reins, opened the curtain and opened his mouth.

"Girl, there is a situation ahead, and the subordinates smell blood."

"Let the transportation team stop to rest, and send someone to go ahead to see what's going on."

(End of this chapter)

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