Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 918 Bloody Smell

Chapter 918 Bloody Smell
There is only one day to go to Qingdu, who would make trouble here?
"The subordinates will go to find out the situation in person, and Yun Ni will protect the girl." Ding Yang explained, and disappeared without a trace after a few leaps.

Bai Ningxiang got out of the car, looked at the sun above her head, and moved her nose. There was indeed a faint smell of blood. If you didn't identify it carefully, you wouldn't be able to detect it.

"Don't worry, girl. I'll be arriving in Qingdu soon. Even if it's delayed for a day, it's fine. Anyway, let's not get into trouble." Around Qingdu, at the root of the imperial city, the only way to protect ourselves is to protect ourselves.

"I understand, of course I won't take risks." Bai Ningxiang rubbed the jade ring on her ring finger, praying silently in her heart that everything will go well.

After a cup of tea, Ding Yang came back with a cold face.

"How about it, what happened in front?" Bai Ningxiang saw a trace of worry in Ding Yang's eyes, not knowing if it was her own illusion.

"...Miss, in front of you is the prison car escorted by the son. Because of the attack, I can only set up camp temporarily."

"What? Seeing that it's all here, can you still be attacked? How about Brother Yi?"

"I didn't see it." The camp was heavily guarded, and she didn't dare to enter it.

Bai Ningxiang suppressed the shock in her heart and tried to calm herself down, "Have you suffered a heavy loss?"

"The prison van was seriously damaged, there was no one inside, and many of the escorting soldiers were seriously injured. Tents were set up in the forest ahead, and the surrounding area was heavily guarded. The subordinates did not dare to venture in."

"You did a good job. The prison van was hijacked. At this time, they must be nothing but trouble. It will be troublesome if they get close."

Listening to Ding Yang's narration, Bai Ningxiang's heart twitched, and she didn't know what happened to her brother-in-law at this time.

The other party was indeed a ruthless character, and he chose to sneak attack at a place within easy reach. If the prisoner died outside Qingdu City, the brother-in-law would probably be blamed.

I don't know if these people are in the same group as the people who schemed against their righteous brothers in the previous life. If they can confirm their identities and take precautions in the future, it will save a lot of trouble.

"Let's go, keep going." Bai Ningxiang thought for a moment, got into the carriage, and urged the transport team to continue on their way.

"Girl, what do you mean?" Yun Ni always felt that the girl had something to do.

"Didn't we purchase enough dry food? When we meet in a while, send some over, and take the opportunity to ask the other party if he wants to help?" If the brother-in-law is there, Yun Ni will be recognized as soon as she appears.

"Yes, girl." Yun Ni pondered for a while, her eyes lit up, isn't it, if the young master is here, Da Zha He Feng Yi must also be there.

The further he walked, the stronger the smell of blood in the air, Bai Ningxiang was a little anxious, the escort team should have lost a lot if they were able to set up camp outside the city, otherwise they should hurry up and enter the city.

There was a lot of movement in their transport team, and as the carriage rolled, the guard standing in front looked over vigilantly.

Dazhou rode in front, and when he saw the soldiers, he clasped his fists together, "You officials have worked hard, we are a caravan passing by here, we have absolutely no intention of offending, please forgive me."

"Stop talking nonsense and leave quickly." The sentinel stared at Da Zhou, then at the transport team behind him, and waved his hands impatiently.

"Don't worry, the official, let's hurry up."

Dazhou said, got off his horse, stood aside, and shouted,
"Brothers, speed up, don't cause trouble with the official, after passing this distance, stop for lunch."

(End of this chapter)

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