Chapter 919

Hearing Dazhou's yelling, the sentinel couldn't help frowning, "This place refuses to make any noise."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Dazhou glanced at the position of the tent, and vaguely saw people's shadows, and wondered if Feng Yi could hear his voice.

When the transport team passed by, it was Bai Ningxiang's carriage.

She opened the curtain of the car, and first took a look at the two tents set up in the cypress forest. Some people came in and out, but no one was familiar with them. In the open space next to them, there were two broken prison cars, and the rest of them were unknown. trace.

"Yun Ni, give them the food we bought." Bai Ningxiang put down the car curtain and asked Yun Ni to investigate the situation.

Yun Ni got out of the carriage with Xia Yubai tea and put the purchased dry food in front of the sentinel, "Several military masters, this is a little bit of our heart, my girl said, the military men defend their homes and the country, shed blood and sweat ,Thanks for your hard work."

The sentinel looked at the opponent's dry food, jerky, and a lot of snacks on the ground, and his expression became much gentler.

"Thank you, girl, we've accepted your wish."

"You're welcome. Didn't you meet me? It's said that the government and the people are family, and that's all we can do. It's not like you, who are fighting with their lives."

Yun Ni waved her hand, and was about to turn around and leave when she saw two wounded soldiers walking out of the tent inside, with bandages wrapped around their heads, and the other was leaning on a cane, and there were bloodstains on the bandaged cotton strips.

"Hey, why are people still injured? It's only a day's journey away from Qingdu, at the foot of the emperor, on the edge of the imperial city, who dares to attack the officers and soldiers so boldly?"

Yun Ni looked at the two of them in shock, with disbelief on her face.

"Girl doesn't know. We escorted the prisoners through here. The journey was not very peaceful. Fortunately, we passed it safely. Who would have imagined that we would enter the city right now, and they would be attacked. Those bold bandits, who provoked If our general is killed, it will definitely not make them feel better."

"That's right, our general left the wounded and led the army to catch up..."

Before the sentry could finish speaking, his companion bumped his arm to signal him not to talk too much.

Yun Ni pretended not to see it, and pointed to the location of the prison car with a curious expression on her face.
"The prison van escorting the prisoners has fallen apart. It is conceivable how dangerous the scene of your fight is. Alas, I originally thought that being a soldier is a very prestigious thing, but I didn't expect there to be so many dangers."

"The girl is right. What's so good about being a soldier? When you enter the barracks, you just put your head on your trouser belt. You may tell me someday. Fortunately, our brothers have a good life. We met General Han, who is also a general this time." Lead us to resist the surprise attack, although many brothers were injured, but somehow they all saved their lives."

Listening to Yun Ni's tone, the two sentinels seemed to have met a confidant, and someone who understood them was better than anything else.

Thinking about what happened yesterday, I still feel terrified until now. No one would have thought that a group of black-clothed dead soldiers would suddenly appear at the gate of the imperial city. If it wasn't for General Han, they would definitely suffer a big loss this time.

"General Han, is it the legendary General God of War?" Yun Ni heard the meaning of the sentinel, and many small stars appeared in her eyes.

Seeing Yun Ni's appearance, the two soldiers immediately laughed, "The girl is right, it is our God of War general, who not only led us to repel the dead soldiers in black, but also kept the prisoners."

(End of this chapter)

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