Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 934 Always disturbed emotions

Chapter 934 Always disturbed emotions

"I'm full, I can't eat any more." Bai Ningxiang put down her chopsticks and wiped the corner of her lower lip with a handkerchief.

"Do you like the whole fish feast here?" Han Jing wiped his hands and looked up at her.

"Of course I like it." Bai Ningxiang looked at the remaining Qingjiang fish, "It just feels too wasteful."

"Who said it was a waste, the rest will be packed and taken away by Dazhuo." Han Jing nodded her forehead, couldn't help shaking her head and laughing, she is really a virtuous girl.

Bai Ningxiang: "..."


The identity of the righteous brother?
Is it suitable?

"I really don't know what you've got in your head... let's go." Seeing her disbelieving eyes, Han Jing nodded her forehead, feeling very helpless.

Dazhuo, who is full of food and drink, has already packed up the rest of the food with his little second-hand feet. It is not the first time he has done this kind of thing.

"The girl doesn't know that the master will take these meals away every time, and send them to the west city to give to the homeless orphans."

Bai Ningxiang nodded clearly, "I see."

It was already the end of the Xu Dynasty when I walked to the street again,
The streets are still bustling with people coming and going.

Bai Ningxiang knew that the nightlife in Qingdu had just begun.

Under the bustling, there are always all kinds of extravagant life hidden. There, as long as you have enough money, you can do whatever you want and let you forget all your troubles.Similarly, there is also a gold-selling den where only the newcomers laugh but the old ones cry.

Dongcheng, not far from Liuyan Lake,

At this time, there must be another scene of red flowers, willows and greenery, Yiluo Xiangpa dancing with the wind, and the sound of silk and bamboo permeating the entire lakeside. Being in it, one will feel that the entire Daqing Dynasty is singing and dancing.

She was able to know the existence of Liuyan Lake because of Jiang Wenwen's glory.

In the previous life, a lot of the money she earned was spent there by Jiang Wenxue. It is called making friends with poetry, but it is a romantic and elegant thing for literati, and women and Taoists cannot interfere.

At first, she really believed it, thinking that it was just a meeting place for literati and refined scholars, and it didn't matter if it was more expensive, as long as she could make friends with some talented people, it wouldn't be a loss.

Until one time when she attended a banquet, she was ridiculed face to face, saying that she, the wife in charge, is really virtuous. In order to win over her husband's heart, she was willing to spend money to make him hang out at the fireworks venues, and make friends with talented prostitutes as the beauty of the red sleeves. generosity.

At that time, when she heard the news, she only felt her whole brain buzzing, and her heart was filled with unconcealable anger.Looking at each other's gloating faces, she didn't even know how she suppressed that monstrous anger.

Up to now, she still clearly remembers standing in front of the ladies, holding her head high, maintaining a dignified smile, looking at those mocking eyes indifferently, and talking about hurting the enemy a thousand times and hurting herself eight times on airs. hundred words.

"As the mistress of the Jiang family, she is naturally virtuous and virtuous, so she can be called the mistress of the family. It is normal for a man in the world to like poetry and prose, and hope to meet some romantic and elegant things by chance. fool……"

Speaking of this, Bai Ningxiang looked around at the crowd, and the corners of her lips carelessly curled up in mockery.

"Therefore, since Madam Ben knows that my husband likes to make friends through poetry, let him bring enough money, so that he can get both money and goods...Compared to those who eat and drink, always think about how to have an affair, and don't forget to dodge, my husband It seems much brighter."

(End of this chapter)

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