Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 935 Night Chapter

Chapter 935
"There are not just one or two talented people who discuss poetry and prose with your husband. I know it well, and the wives should also understand it."

"Fortunately, my wife's net worth is quite rich, and she has a pair of skillful hands for earning money. Therefore, spending some money for fun, my husband, is no different to buying a thrush canary. It doesn't hurt the money or bone." , what do I care about?"

As soon as she said this, the faces of the noble ladies in the banquet were not good-looking. Some of the dignified and noble expressions on weekdays were angered by her few words, some were shocked and surprised, and there were also many jealous and resentful ones. It doesn't matter to her.

If you dare to hate her, you have to make sure your cat doesn't cheat.

Seeing everyone's deeds, she was still very relieved at the time. Although the banquet broke up unhappy, she maintained her last dignity and left.

Although going back would inevitably cause a lot of noise, but to her, everything was more important than being at ease.

Bai Ningxiang was immersed in her own thoughts, she never expected that all the expressions at this time would be in Han Jing's eyes.

Seeing the girl frowning for a while, stretching her brows for a while, gloating for a while, and having lingering fears for a while, I couldn't help wondering, no wonder this girl was distracted from time to time, so she was so active in her mind?

This girl is not authentic, she sang a big drama in her heart, and she didn't even share it.

"Girl, what are you thinking about?" Han Jing paused, grabbed her by the shoulders, and even forgot about the people around her.

Bai Ningxiang blinked, and suddenly saw the cheek that was close at hand, which startled her.

Only then did he realize that his thoughts were disturbed by Jiang Wenwen's horrible thing again.

"It's nothing, just feeling a little emotional for a while."

Jiang Wenxue has already suffered retribution, she should let go of everything, and she will have a brand new life in the future, and she should not be disturbed by the things in her previous life.

Thinking of this, Bai Ningxiang felt a little annoyed, especially in front of her brother-in-law, she didn't want to reveal the past, it was a wound hidden in her heart, and it was the price she paid for her stupidity in the previous life, she didn't want anyone to touch it.

She has her own selfishness, she doesn't want to expose the scars of the past in front of her brother-in-law, she wants to leave all the good things to him.

After all, the previous life has passed, and she belongs to the present.

Han Jing looked at her quietly and straightened up after a while, "When is girl going to meet mother with me?"

The girl obviously had something on her mind, she didn't say it, and he didn't ask, when she was willing to say it, just listen to it.

Hearing the brother-in-law's inquiry, Bai Ningxiang blinked her eyes, and suddenly regained her energy.

"Actually, as soon as I arrived in Qingdu, I should have visited my wife, but my brother-in-law hadn't heard from me. I was afraid that my wife would be worried, so I didn't have the nerve to bother her. Now that my brother-in-law has returned safely, the matter of meeting my wife will naturally be on the agenda. .”

"It's just that I'm new here, so I don't know Mrs. Han's preferences. As for souvenirs, apart from the special products from my hometown, I need some advice from my brother-in-law."

Bai Ningxiang shook her head, put those troubles behind her, and began to plan the next schedule.

Han Mansion, she must go there.

In the next life, their relationship has changed, they can no longer appear as lifesavers, but they have to visit as serious juniors.

Looking at the little girl's eager eyes, Han Jing couldn't help but tap her forehead, "Finally regained consciousness, mother, there is no need to make any special preparations, just the usual meeting ceremony."

(End of this chapter)

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