Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 936 Schadenfreude

Chapter 936 Schadenfreude
Bai Ningxiang thought for a while, then nodded, yes, Mrs. Han came from a noble family, with a wealth of wealth, and she has seen all kinds of good things. No matter how good she brought out, they were bought with silver. Why don't you bring more watches from your hometown? Express your heart.

In the future, when she has more money in her hands, she must collect more rare books and treasures, and save dowry and dowry for herself and Brother Xing'er Feng Yun's family.

"Okay, I see. Later, I will ask Yun Ni to deliver the post to the house and make an appointment."

"Okay, I'm back in Qingdu for the first time. In the next few days, I will report a lot of things to the monarch. It will take a lot of time just to sort out the files. I'm afraid I don't have time to accompany you. Fortunately, in Qingdu, Dingyangdu Familiar, where you want to go, just tell her directly."

"Don't worry, brother Yi, you just go to work, and then I have to prepare well, and I can't be rude..."

The two walked side by side on the street, the orange light elongated the figures of the two, like a pair of murals clinging to each other, graceful and agile.

Han Jing didn't stop until he was sent to the side door of Yipin Ganquan, "It's getting late, go in, I'll wait for you at the house."

"Well, Brother Yi also went back to rest earlier."

During the meal just now, Bai Ningxiang noticed that brother-in-law's face was tired, thinking that he suddenly appeared at the door today, he must not have had time to rest.

"I'll watch you go in." Han Jing lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead, and murmured softly.

Bai Ningxiang smiled, turned around and entered the door obediently, until the door was slowly closed, the smile on Han Jing's face slowly faded, she raised her hand to cover her waist, took a deep breath, turned and left.

"Master, your injury..."

Before Da Zhuo could finish speaking, Han Jing interrupted him by raising his hand, "It's not in the way."

Da Zuo opened his mouth, he could already smell the smell of blood, it was time to change his dressing, but the master dragged his wound and refused to leave early.

Anyway, Miss Bai has already arrived in Qingdu. Doesn't it matter when we meet again?

Don't stop until the wound oozes blood.

People who fall in love are really incomprehensible.

Talking about love has to pay the price of blood, which is too scary.

When he saw his master giggling alone before, he guessed that it had something to do with Miss Bai, and he was so yearning for it at that time.But now, seeing that the master endured the pain and had to eat with Miss Bai, he hesitated again. Is it worth fighting so much in order to marry a wife?
"Master, it's better for this subordinate to support you. Dr. Wei is already waiting. Let him treat your wound before going to see your wife, so that she won't be worried."

"You talk too much."

After all, Han Jing didn't refuse the outstretched hand. Thinking of the girl's bright eyes, he still couldn't help but curled the corners of his lips and shook his head.

When the girl arrived in Qingdu, she was one step closer to entering the Han family.

Back at the mansion, Wei Zixian was leisurely eating snacks with Erlang's legs crossed. When he saw Han Jing coming back, he immediately jumped up and walked in front of him, looking him up and down.

"Tsk tsk... It is said that it is the most difficult to bear the grace of a beauty. It is true. Our general smiled for the beauty and went to the wounded. This kind of affection is really touching. Seeing your white hair sweating in pain, I will definitely bear it." Has it been a long time?"

Wei Zixian looked at Han Jing, amazed, with undisguised gloating in his tone.

"I guess, Miss Bai must not know that you are injured?"


(End of this chapter)

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