Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 937: The Silence of Mystery~

Chapter 937: The Silence of Mystery~
Seeing Han Jing's attitude, Wei Zixian gave him a thumbs up, "I knew, if Miss Bai knew, she would definitely not wait until now to let you back... What a pair of idiots, really admirable. "

"To shut up."

Han Jing glared at him, knowing that he shouldn't have brought him back. He is a good doctor, but he is a talker, and he looks very annoying.

"Tsk tsk... I've done everything, but I still don't let you talk about it. Well, I'm talking too much, change the medicine, change the medicine..."

Wei Zixian tried his best to hold back, but the corners of his mouth were still slightly upturned, and even his eyes were still gloating. Fortunately, he moved his hands neatly, otherwise, he would have been thrown into the yard.

The bandage was dyed red, and the closer it was to the wound, the larger the gradually dyed area.

Wei Zixian shook his head again and again, with a speechless expression, which frightened the big claws beside him.

"Doctor Wei, why does my master's wound look serious?"

"Being crazy about love, being crazy about love, it's nothing to get hurt and shed a little blood for love, as long as you can't die."

Big Catch: "..."

Looking at Han Jing who pursed his lips, Wei Zixian praised him, took out the porcelain bottle on the side, poured the medicine powder on the wound,
"I wasted another bottle of priceless wound medicine for me. Remember to buy more high-quality herbs for me next time, otherwise, it will be useless next time."

"Talk a lot~"

After bandaging the wound, Han Jing changed into a moon-white uniform again, and after tidying up, she looked at Da Zhuo,

"Has there ever been a message from mother?"

"Returning to Master, Xiao Guang said that Cui He from Madam's yard came and said that whenever Master comes back, he must go to Liu Xinyuan to report back, so that Madam can feel at ease."

Han Jing glanced at the hourglass beside her, and pursed the corner of her lower lip, "Let Xiaoguang run again and tell the gatekeeper that I'm back, it's too late, and I'll greet my mother tomorrow."

"Yes, master," Da Zhuo agreed, turned around and left.

"You still don't want to leave, and you still want me to prepare supper for you?" Han Jing looked at Wei Zixian's gloating face, and threw his sleeves to chase him away.

"It's really crossing the river and tearing down the bridge, turning your face and being ruthless. I don't know if Miss Bai knows that you still have such a face?" Wei Zixian was packing the medicine box, full of emotions, facing Han Jing's sharp eyes, dawdling until he was caught. .

"What's wrong?" Han Jing couldn't help frowning seeing Da Zhuo's hesitant expression.

"Cough~, that lady said, it's normal for the master to forget his mother when he has a wife, so don't worry about it, she's a very good old man."

Han Jing: "..."

What's the mess?

"That's what Cui He passed on to others."

Dazhuan looked embarrassed, and originally let Xiaoguang answer the conversation alone, but after thinking about it for a while, he went with him. Who knows, when he arrived at Liu Xinyuan, he saw the wife's chief maid leaning against the door, as if It's like waiting for them.

After Xiao Guang said hello, he directly expressed his master's meaning, but Cui He glanced at them, and without saying a word, they were beaten back with a series of crackling cannonballs, and they are still blindfolded.

The room fell into silence~
"Ha ha……"

Wei Zixian was holding the medicine box on his shoulders, and he burst out laughing as he leaned on the threshold. He really didn't expect that the dignified general would have a day when he would be disliked. After being left here for a long time, he finally found his place.

"Master General, you went back to Qingdu together with your old man, and you didn't even see your old lady, so you went directly to see your sweetheart?"

(End of this chapter)

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