Chapter 939 Warning~
After a brief wash, Da Zhuo changed the medicine, and then went to Liu Xin Yuan with a gift.

As soon as he entered the yard, he was stopped by Cui He.

"The servant girl has met the fifth son, please greet him."

"Well, mother got up?" The whole yard was quiet, Han Jing paused, looking at Cui He in front of her.

"Back to the young master, Madam waited for the young master too late yesterday. I woke up in the morning and felt a little unwell, so I lay down to rest again." Cui He got up and replied softly.

"Can I ask for a doctor?"

As far as he knew, his mother didn't have such a habit. Could it be that she was really angry?
The mother is dignified and elegant, and I have never seen her be petty. Could it be that, as Wei Zixian said with a crow's mouth, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are natural enemies?

"Madam won't let me please, just let me sleep for a while." Cui He blessed Fushen again, with a soft tone, but she just stopped her from entering the house.

Looking at the posture in front of him, Han Jing couldn't help frowning, and just as the air-conditioning all over his body was about to take off, he was interrupted by a grinning grabber.

"Hey, sister Cuihe, the good days are gone, my sister is really more beautiful and dignified, here, this is a little thing my brother met outside, I specially left it for my sister, please accept it."

As he said, Dazhuo handed a butterfly-shaped bead flower to Cuihe's hand, smiling like a dog.Pulling Cui He's sleeve and moving aside.

"Bah~, who is your sister? She is several years older than her, she has a really thick skin."

Cuihe laughed and cursed, looking at Zhuhua stuffed into her hand, she couldn't help laughing, "It's useless for you to bribe me, Madam is angry with the fifth son, I'm just a mouthpiece."

"Understand, understand, tell my sister the truth, it's not that our young master didn't come to pay his respects, it's because the Ministry of Criminal Justice urged us so urgently that we had to turn back. Ma'am is worried about young master, so we don't know? Isn't this entangled in official business?"

"You must be poor. Who doesn't know that there is a girl in Qingdu, and shopkeeper Wang has already reported it... Who knows whether the fifth son is busy with business or dating a beautiful woman..."

As soon as Cui He said this, she suddenly felt cold all over her body, and immediately stopped talking.

He took a step back silently, feeling a little regretful in his heart, why did he forget that the Fifth Young Master in front of him still has the title of a black-faced god.

Han Jing glanced at her coldly, "It's not up to you to criticize the master's affairs. You should be more cautious in your words and deeds when you serve your mother close to you on weekdays."

"Yes, what the fifth son taught me was that the servant girl made a slip of her tongue." Cui He blushed a little, she was the one who said it smoothly, and the madam asked her to stop her, but she didn't really embarrass the son.

She also stayed up for a long time last night, and her mind was confused, so she spoke nonsense.

"Fifth son, madam, please go in and talk."

Just when Cui He was in trouble, the door curtain rang, and another person walked out from the house.

She blessed Han Jing, opened the curtain with a smile, and respectfully let people in, then glared at Cui He who was standing aside.

"When will you change your sharp-tongued temper, and you can say nothing about our fifth son?"

They, the Fifth Young Master, looked kind, and that was because you didn't provoke him. In the mansion on weekdays, she had never seen any servant who dared to speak loudly to the Fifth Young Master?

"Sister Cuihu, am I complaining about Madam?" Cui He pouted and stomped her feet unwillingly.

"Oh, you can use your heart. Have you ever seen a mother and child have an overnight feud?"

Cuihu reached out and tapped her forehead, with a helpless expression on her face, this girl probably hasn't woken up yet.

(End of this chapter)

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