Chapter 940
Hearing Cuihu's reminder, Cuihe nodded reluctantly, "It's also my fault, I shouldn't say anything else."

Cuihu shook his head, "We are the big girls by Madam's side. You have to know that the Fifth Young Master and the Seventh Young Master are both legitimate sons. We can only respect and protect Madam's blood relatives."

"...To put it bluntly, even if there is a rift between mother and son, we have to reconcile it? We must not add fuel to the fire. Only when the wife is good and the mother and son are harmonious, can we have a way out."

Seeing the stubbornness in Cui He's eyes, Cui Hu was very helpless, why did she forget that if the master is not good, how can a slave be any better?

This girl Cui He is indeed a bit spoiled by his wife, it is time to change her arrogant temper, otherwise she will suffer sooner or later.

"Good sister, I know I made a mistake, and I must be more careful next time." Cui He held Cui Hu's arm, pouted and shook her head.

"You, you, I really can't do anything about you. Our five sons are away all year round, and finally came back. Even if Madam doesn't say anything, she is very happy in her heart. If you can't correct your mentality, don't make trouble."

Cuihu called her a few words, then called the second-class girl beside her to go to the kitchen to inquire about breakfast.

In the hall at this time, after Han Jing greeted her mother, she began to stare wide-eyed. At first glance, the atmosphere was a little tense.

Han Jing picked up the tea and took a sip, glanced at Da Zhuo and Xiao Guang next to him, and immediately sent the brocade box they were holding to the main seat,
"Single hello to madam, madam, best wishes. This is a treasure specially collected by the fifth son for madam. I guarantee that madam will be very happy when she sees it."

Mrs. Han nodded and waved her hands. The two looked at each other and retreated knowingly.

Han Jing looked at the posture and pretended to be calm, "Mother, I heard that you are angry?"

Mrs. Han looked at her serious son, and was silent for a moment, "What do you think?"

Han Jing: "..."

Seeing his mother's unfathomable expression, he dared not speak.

As a son, he is not at home all year round, so he can't make his mother mad as soon as he comes back.

Besides, if it involves a girl, wouldn't he destroy the harmony between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the future?

Mrs. Han just stared at him like this. She didn't see her son replying for a long time, her heart suddenly became cold, and she couldn't help but raised her hand and beat her chest.

Back then, she was also a talented woman who was well-known in Qingdu, well-educated, elegant and virtuous... If women were allowed to take the No. [-] Scholar exam, she thought she was no less talented than men.

With such an excellent mother as her, how could she give birth to such an idiot son?
The more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she became. Mrs. Han did some introspection, but she couldn't find any problems with herself, so she could only attribute it to the Han family.

Erlang of the Han family, except for his strong limbs and ability to wield knives and guns, is all lumps of wood.

Therefore, even if there is such a good old lady as her, it can't save her son's flaws.

After having this thought in her heart, Mrs. Han couldn't hold back her anger. She walked back and forth in the hall twice before pointing to the servant girl to ask,

"Where did the master rest last night?"

Cui Liu and Cui Hong, who were guarding the side, looked at each other, bowed their heads and blessed their bodies, "Go back to Madam, the master was in the third aunt's room last night."

"Very good, send someone to inform the cashier, and tell the lady's order that the master is not allowed to pay a penny in the cashier... Also, including the seventh son, he will not give any money."

(End of this chapter)

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