Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 947 Chapter 9 Chapter 47 Not to show off

Chapter 947 The Ninth Hand Chapter 17 It's not for showing off
It's not that he judges the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, but that he saw with his own eyes that the way Aunt looked at Yun Ni seemed dissatisfied.

Being able to be picky about a servant girl must have something to do with changing the master.

"You're thinking too much. My mother wants me to get married soon, so she can only be happy when the girl comes to the door."

Thinking of what happened to him in the morning, Han Jing had no choice but to be helpless. In her mother's eyes, he was on the verge of danger anytime and anywhere. Only by getting married early and leaving children early can he be worthy of the ancestors of the Han family.

He knew from an early age that as a woman of the Han family, from the day she married, she understood one sentence: life and death depend on wealth and wealth.

His father fought in the war all his life. Although he was still alive and well, he had many unmentionable diseases. Every time it was cloudy and rainy, he would always be accompanied by sore waist and leg pain. These were old diseases left on the battlefield and could not be cured.

Yun Ni returned to the tea shop, explained Mrs. Han's attitude to the girl, and began to prepare the dress for going out tomorrow.

When you go out to visit for the first time, you have to dress decently, and you can't lose face because of the clothes.

"Girl, why don't you wear that pink-blue shark gauze dress tomorrow, paired with a purple magnolia hairpin and pearl earrings, it must be beautiful and dignified."

The people at the white tea table laid out all the dresses in the cage, and matched them one by one. In the end, they still felt that the silk yarn was the most beautiful, warm and cool to the touch, and it was most suitable for this season.

Looking at the busy figures of the crowd, Bai Ningxiang was very helpless,

"I'm just going to visit an elder, not to show off, so don't need to be so exaggerated. The light blue gauze skirt is not bad with the accessories you prepared."

In the eyes of everyone, she is just a country girl, and it is too ostentatious to wear a shark gauze skirt suddenly.

Besides, she generally understands the situation in the Han family. In her previous life, she met Mrs. Han often. She was a dignified and quiet lady, talented and kind. Although this life is different from her previous life, she wants to change her personality greatly. , is not realistic.

Therefore, as long as she is quiet, well-behaved and polite, as Mrs. Han, she will definitely not embarrass her as a little girl.

Hearing the girl's tone, Yun Ni thought for a while, "What the girl said is reasonable. I went to see Mrs. Han today, and the servant took a special look at her. Her dress is also simple and elegant, and the garden in Han's mansion, although it looks exquisite , pleasing to the eye, but not luxurious."

Regarding Yun Ni's tone, Bai Ningxiang was not surprised at all, the Han mansion was controlled by a scholarly lady like Mrs. Han, so naturally she arranged the mansion according to her own preferences.

The Daqing Dynasty emphasized culture over military affairs, and military generals were not popular at all. In the mouths of those literati, military generals were reckless men. Except for wielding knives and guns, the rest could not be on the stage, and their behavior was violent and rude.

Of course, military commanders also despise literati who are sour, old-fashioned, and unreasonable.

During this period, there were several incidents of people being violently beaten by military generals in the street because of their excessive words and deeds, and they were even brought before the imperial court. Although they were reprimanded by the monarch, they always ended with apologizing. Over time, those literati also restrained a lot.

Even if he wins, no one can replace the pain from being hit by a fist.Since he couldn't beat him, and couldn't afford to offend him, he could only fight for himself with his tongue.

Therefore, a strange circle also appeared in Qingdu. The boundaries between civil servants and military generals were clearly defined, and each of them looked down on them.

(End of this chapter)

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