Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 948 each with their own minds

Chapter 948 each with their own minds

As for the sudden marriage between the Feng family and the Han family, it really caught the attention of many people.

Everyone didn't understand, what kind of eye disease did Feng Shilang suffer from, and he betrothed his prostitute daughter to the Han family?

Thinking of the messy rumors behind her back, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help but want to laugh, among other things, it was true that Mrs. Han's words in the Han Mansion were true, even General Han didn't dare to speak to her loudly.

In the early morning of the next day, Bai Ningxiang had breakfast, took the prepared souvenirs, took the carriage, and set off with the maids.

As soon as the carriage stopped at the gate of the Han Mansion, the gate opened, and the concierge was accompanied by a nun who stood at the gate to greet her personally.

Bai Ningxiang supported Yun Ni's hand to get out of the carriage, looking at the tall courtyard in front of her and the two majestic lions, everything seemed like a world away.

"The old servant has seen Miss Bai, Madam has been waiting for a long time."

"Excuse me, please let this nanny lead the way." Bai Ningxiang nodded, with a dignified smile on her face, and said something softly.

Seeing this, Yun Ni took out two purses that she had prepared and handed them over, "It's my girl's kindness, please treat my sister to drink tea."

"Thank you, girl." Mammy was not polite, took the purse, squeezed it with her fingers, and the smile on her face became wider.

It's really eye-opening, who said country girls don't know the rules, isn't this quite generous?
The scenery in the mansion was exactly the same as in the previous life, Bai Ningxiang could walk to Liu Xinyuan with her eyes closed.

After entering the second gate, the woman who led the way handed him over to Cuihu, and retreated respectfully.

"My servant, Cuihu, Cuihe has met Miss Bai, please come inside." The moment the two of them looked at Bai Ningxiang, their eyes froze for a moment, and then they saluted.

"You two sisters are excused, sorry to trouble you." Bai Ningxiang said politely, and when Yun Ni stepped forward to help someone, she gave her a purse as usual.

"Two sisters are waiting for you. Please don't be polite to the gift from my girl."

Yun Ni smiled and sent the specially prepared purse up, her tone was modest, she was new here, so she had to check the situation for the girl first.

"Miss Yun Ni, you are welcome, we have long been looking forward to Miss Bai's arrival."

Cuihu glanced at the purse in his hand, although it was simply embroidered with willow leaves, it was exquisitely handcrafted, and at first glance it was made by someone who is good at female celebrities.

"Miss Bai is really polite, but this purse is really exquisitely embroidered, isn't it Cui He?"

"Yes, it's really pretty."

Ever since seeing Bai Ningxiang, Cui He has been sizing her up non-stop. No wonder the fifth young master cares so much about her. She is really well-born and generous enough, but after all, she is still a girl from the countryside, and she is more expensive than Shangqing. female.

Thinking of being reprimanded by the Fifth Young Master yesterday, Cui He felt very uncomfortable. Fortunately, she still knew the seriousness and did not dare to express any obvious dissatisfaction.

"Sister Cuihu is right, my wife has been looking forward to Miss Bai, and we are also curious, what kind of fairy is Miss Bai, now that she meets a real person, she is really as expected, she is really like a fairy, Ming** people."

Hearing Cui He's tone, Bai Ningxiang frowned unrecognizably. If it's a familiar friend, it's okay to joke around, but for someone who meets for the first time, it's not a good thing to praise someone for being good-looking. .

This girl is hostile to her?

"This elder sister is joking, and it's too exaggerated. I don't dare to compare her beauty with fairies... But elder sister, she is worthy of being the big maid next to Mrs. Han. She looks beautiful and dresses exquisitely. The key is to learn the rules well."

(End of this chapter)

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