Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 950 The hostility of Xiao 7

Chapter 950 Xiao Qi's Hostility

If a person wants to understand each other, the best way is to chat with them face-to-face. Only by communicating with each other can he know whether he and others have the right temper and whether they can get along with each other for a long time.

To be honest, although Mrs. Han is looking forward to her son having a girl, she really doesn't have much hope for Bai Ningxiang. A girl who grew up in the countryside, no matter how well-educated, how much knowledge can she have?

Therefore, Mrs. Han prepared for today's meeting with a lot of patience. It is not easy for her son to fall in love with a girl. As a mother, he must patiently understand her. As long as she barely catches the eye, she will not object.

Besides, Brother Ting once told her that this girl's father died and her mother was weak, so it was not easy for her to take on the burden of supporting the family at a young age.

Based on this alone, she doesn't need to embarrass a little girl.

A person who supports a family in the village by himself should belong to the category of aggressive and strong.

Who knows that the more we chat, the more pleasant surprises will come. Not only is this girl's temper pleasing to the eye, but her knowledge is not inferior to others.

Who says country people are rough and uninformed?

The girl in front of me is not bad in talent and character. Sure enough, there are some things that need to be seen to be believed.

Now she finally understands that it's no wonder that her son is acting like a man who doesn't want to marry, so he really found a treasure.

The more she thought about it, the happier Madam Han felt. Not to mention, apart from fighting, her son's eyes were acceptable.

Just when she was thinking about how to praise her son, the door curtain was lifted, and Xiao Qi broke in without notification.

"Mother, I heard that you have a distinguished guest today. My son was curious and came to see you." While speaking, his eyes had already turned to Bai Ningxiang.

A country girl is regarded as a treasure by the fifth brother, and she can't even ask, but he wants to see, what is it...
"You are the mysterious white girl?"

Bai Ningxiang looked at the young man who suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and frowned. In her memory, the righteous brother did have a younger brother who was ranked seventh. She had met him several times in her previous life, and she heard that he was a lawless bully.

Fortunately, he never felt sorry for himself, but he never got close either. In his past and present lives, this was the first time he was so close.

But before she could speak, Xiao Qi was scolded by Mrs. Han.

"Xiao Qi, who allowed you to be so presumptuous? The etiquette you learned, your self-cultivation, are all fed to the dog's belly?"

She was really pissed off. Just as she was thinking about how to give her son some impression points, this unlucky reminder came in to make trouble.

"What are you still doing in a daze, apologizing to Xiangxiang, at the age of fifteen or sixteen, still being so reckless, the Han family's face will be completely humiliated."

Hearing his mother's unceremonious reprimand, the original apology in Xiao Qi's heart suddenly disappeared. He was just curious and came to see if he hadn't done anything before.

Thinking of this, he looked at Bai Ningxiang with less friendly eyes,
"Miss Bai, right? It's better to see once than to hear a hundred times. I originally thought that the girls who grew up in the countryside were rough and ignorant girls. I didn't expect you to be good-looking. Also, if you are not good-looking, Fifth Brother will Not necessarily looking at you."

"Xiao Qi, shut up." Mrs. Han's face darkened, and she just reprimanded her when Han Jing who came in later grabbed her arm.

"Xiaoqi, I apologize."

Han Jing looked at his younger brother with a cold face, he didn't expect that the first person who made things difficult for the girl was Xiao Qi.

Seeing Fifth Brother, Xiao Qi shrank his neck subconsciously, but he couldn't help being annoyed at the thought of one or two all facing an outsider.

"What are you apologizing for? I didn't say anything wrong. I didn't mean anything malicious at first. I just wanted to make a joke. It's good for you, one or two all come at me."

"You are still stubborn, saying that you are a lawless little bully. I didn't believe it at first. Seeing your behavior today, I really didn't wrong you. The Han family has a child like you, and it will only bring shame to the family."

The more Han Jing said, the harder he held his arm, Xiaoqi's face turned pale from the pain, but he still pursed his lips, stubbornly denying his mistake.

Madam Han looked at Brother Ting's eyes and knew that he was really angry.

"Xiaoqi, it was you who were rude first, and mother ordered you to apologize to Xiangxiang immediately."

Xiaoqi: "..."

Seeing the family of three at war, Bai Ningxiang expressed her innocence. Does this mean she has suffered an innocent disaster?

Looking at the young man's eyes, Bai Ningxiang has no doubt that this young man has hated her again.

Qingdu Xiaobawang really lived up to his reputation, and he was unreasonable.

Just when she was about to say something, Xiao Qi's angry eyes fell on her, "Are you satisfied now?"

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

What is she satisfied with?

Something to do with her?

If it wasn't for fear of damaging her ladylike temperament, I really wanted to scold him in Xiaonan's tone.

"Xiao Qi, isn't it, it seems that we two met for the first time today? Why do you have such hostility towards me?"

She didn't come here to be a guest, and it wasn't for people to point their noses and scold her. She swallowed her anger and said that this life no longer belonged to her.

"Who is hostile to you? I am just curious?"

"Oh? Are you wondering if I, a girl from the country, is vulgar? Is it dark and fat?"

As Bai Ningxiang spoke, she noticed Xiaoqi's guilty and awkward expression, and there was something she didn't understand.

She was viewed as a rare item by others.

"After seeing it, how does it feel? How is it different from what you thought?"

Xiaoqi: "..."

The gap is quite large, but it is not enough to make him bow his head. From the beginning to the end, he has already been reprimanded twice.

"You are a son of an aristocratic family, and I am a child who grew up in the countryside. We have different ideas and different ways of treating guests. You pay attention to status and status, and we pay attention to enthusiasm and simplicity... So, it is not surprising that you are curious about me. But I don't agree with your hospitality, no matter where I come from, there should be no hostility between you and me."

Xiaoqi: "..."

Mrs. Han's face turned hot when she heard Bai Ningxiang's tone, "Xiaoqi, if you don't admit your mistakes and apologize, don't be my son."

"Xiangxiang, you have been wronged today. This brat has been spoiled by his family, and I usually have less restraint. I will send him to Feng's house later, and ask his grandfather to teach him how to treat others. .”

"Mother, don't bother me, I'll just throw him into the barracks... A guy like him who doesn't know anything should go to the barracks to fight and beat. The Han family is a family of generals. As long as there is a war in Daqing, he must go to the barracks." Straight up, Xiao Qi's temper really needs to be honed and tempered."

Han Jing said, looking at Xiao Qi's unbelievable eyes, his expression remained unchanged.

Brat, is it easy for him to chase a wife?

(End of this chapter)

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