Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 951 Live with us

Chapter 951 Live with us

"Why, do you still want to be the devil king of chaos for the rest of your life? The descendants of the Han family have only one goal from the moment they are born, and that is to defend their home and country. They would rather be shrouded in horse leather than live in chaos."

Hearing Han Jing's slightly stern tone, Xiao Qi's face turned pale, "What's so fierce, do you think I'm afraid?"

"Don't be afraid of the best, I hope you can still be so tough when you get to the battlefield."

Bastard, he was not at home for a year, so this kid is so rebellious?

"Just go, I, Han Jue, am not a coward, hmph~"

Xiao Qi stared at Bai Ningxiang, turned around and ran out, but unexpectedly ran into General Han who was entering the door.

"You bastard, you got into trouble again, didn't you? The old man's old bones were smashed to pieces by you."

With a roar, General Han grabbed Xiao Qi's collar, lifted the curtain and walked in.

Bai Ningxiang looked at the boy who had gone and returned, and almost couldn't help being happy.

"Father, let me go first, there are outsiders at home, what do you look like holding me like this?"

The embarrassed young man immediately looked at Bai Ningxiang, and of course, he didn't miss the suppressed smile in her eyes.

Being laughed at one after another, although Xiao Qi was extremely angry, but more embarrassing.

"Stinky boy, none of the guests who can be received by your mother in the backyard are outsiders. I think your skin is itchy."

As he said that, General Han slapped him twice on the buttocks unceremoniously.

Everyone: "..."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Xiao Qi blushed, stared at the dazed people in the room, and after a long while, she let out a scream.
"Ah... what are you guys thinking about one by one, you don't want to torture me all over again, are you not reconciled?"

It's really embarrassing to throw him home, and he lost all face. He is the seventh son of Qingdu, never dreamed that one day he would get mixed up to the point of being spanked by his father?

Still in front of so many people, especially the woman who was holding back her laughter.

General Han didn't seem to feel anything at all, turned his head to look at Bai Ningxiang who was beside him, and spoke with a smile.

"You are the girl from the Bai family whom Brother Ting praises so much, right? Good boy, you will be home when you arrive in Qingdu. Don't be too polite. Our family doesn't have many other things. The mansion's yard is not too small. You can move here directly later. If something happens, your aunt can take care of it."

Listening to General Han's tone, Bai Ningxiang was more surprised than warm. She didn't expect a general who was marching and fighting to be so approachable.

"Thank you General, I live very well in the backyard of the tea shop, and I don't have to move around..."

Before Bai Ningxiang finished speaking, she was interrupted by General Han
"My family, whether you are a general or not, just call me uncle first. Our family is the family of generals, and there are not so many twists and turns. You are welcome, girl. You come to Qingdu alone, and uncles and aunts can still watch. Is it okay for you to live outside alone?"

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

She was a little overwhelmed with such hospitality.

Han Jing received Bai Ningxiang's eyes asking for help, and the corners of her lips curled up, "Girl, I think my father's suggestion is good. I'm really worried about you living in the teahouse alone. Why don't you move here so that you can take care of me."

Originally, he wanted to mention it a long time ago, but he was hesitant because he was afraid that the girl would refuse, but he didn't expect his father to speak up for him.

Mrs. Han looked at the father and son speechlessly, each of them was braver than the other, and she was not afraid of scaring the girl away.

As for the decision to bring someone in to live with her, she has no objection. Anyway, the house has a lot of yards, so she can just take this opportunity to learn about the girl's behavior style, and she can win many things in one fell swoop.

"Cough all sit down and talk, one or two are both uneasy, I have a good chat with Xiangxiang, why do you all come here to join in the fun? The good atmosphere was disrupted by you , in case Xiangxiang scares me, be careful that I pull your skin."

As Mrs. Han said, she pinched the center of her eyebrows. What kind of crime did she do? She gave birth to two sisters and two brothers, and no one cared for her.

"Xiangxiang, don't worry, they don't usually behave like this."

Bai Ningxiang shook the corners of her lips, nodded obediently,

"Don't worry, Auntie, I'm not so timid... In fact, I think it's good for you to get along like this. You have to do whatever you want at home, and that's how you feel at home."

"Does Xiangxiang really think so?"

"Of course, to be honest, it's the same with my family. Although my father is gone, there are little aunts to help me, and a bunch of girls and boys. Occasionally noisy, but the business is never delayed."

Speaking of the group of people in the family, Bai Ningxiang's tone was exceptionally gentle, she didn't know what was going on at home after being away for so long.

"When I went out this time, I also entrusted them to take care of the family affairs."

Mrs. Han's eyes lit up when she heard Bai Ningxiang's tone. The rules of the Han family have never been strict, and she didn't want to teach her son and daughter to be rigid. Compared with other aristocratic families, the atmosphere of the Han family is more relaxed.

Because of this, the general was often run over by those sour people. The general is vulgar and his family education is not strict.

Although the general didn't care, both of them tacitly let the two daughters marry with a lower family status. As long as the Han family is there, the daughters will have a good life in her husband's family.

It's a pity that the husband's family of the two sisters have gone to other places to take up positions one after another in the past two years. Marrying a chicken follows a chicken and a dog follows a dog, and the sisters also go to other places with their husband's family. Except for receiving some gifts on New Year's Day, she has been married for two years. I have never seen my daughter.

"In the final analysis, we are destined, otherwise, we are thousands of miles away, how could we meet by such a coincidence."

Mrs. Han took Bai Ningxiang's hand, and patted it pitifully, "You can consider your uncle's proposal carefully, and your aunt also hopes that you can live in, so we can take care of you when we are together."

"Auntie doesn't force you, and you are welcome to move in at any time. You live in a tea shop by yourself, and you don't have enough food and supplies. Auntie is really worried."

"Girl, what your aunt said is right, you must not be burdened, it will be lively when everyone lives together."

As General Han said, he patted Han Jing beside him, "Are you dumb? Why didn't you persuade me?"

Han Jing looked at the troubled girl, the corners of her lips curled up, "Girl, if you still have something to deal with, just drag it out for a few days before moving here."

"Okay, thank you uncle and aunt for your concern. I brought a lot of tea this time, and I have been sorting it out these days. After all the goods are filed, I will move in."

The black tea brought this time accounted for half of it. If possible, she plans to expand the shop of the tea shop and add some flower and fruit tea, both cold and hot. woman.

Before coming to Qingdu, Xiao Nan gave her the recipe of fruit tea.

(End of this chapter)

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